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Edited by hockey582004: 3/14/2015 9:12:30 AM

Material Exchange

So this continues to be a problem. I've read comments and posts and reply's, and there are people on both sides of the fence. The problem is, Bungie never announced this was going to happen, so anyone who stacked up is full with nothing to really do with all those materials. I understand that Bungie is a company that seems to pride themselves on making a game that so many people love to play, why ruin it for those who don't enjoy PvP. I'm not sure if Bungie mean't to do this or not, I think that the biggest resolution they could make to this constant complaint is let us know if you mean't to do this. Bungie, not everyone is a PvP player. Some of us actually enjoy the casual play of the world itself, exploring and investigating. Not all of us care to sit there and be killed by people who put dots on their TV's, do nothing but play Destiny, or just plain out have no life. I for one, am not great at PvP, and get frustrated when people don't die when I shoot them in the face with a shotgun, and then they appear next to me and I die, they barely use shields. I can even tell you that after 46 crucible matches I only have 75 marks. What the hell Bungie? The fact that it's removal is not mentioned in any notes (yes, I went back and read them ALL) is rediculous. You state constantly that you listen to the players and attempt to make the game better through their responses, but this has been an issue since The Dark Below came out, this is not something that you don't know how to implement into the game, since you had it before. Time has been on your side, and we as players have been patient, but for the love of games Bungie, at least give us an answer. The continued mystery around whether or not you mean't to remove this feature infuriates people, and I know I at least will not be playing Destiny in the future as I had in the past. Bungie, you've gone from players loving you for creating some of the best games, to making us feel like your playing us for money. I would never have purchased this game if I'd known that the direction of the game was PvP, not all Player associated. Do something Bungie, before you lose 25% of you customers, your a better company than what Activision has turned you into. And a note for all those who don't want to run around collecting material, don't, go play the crucible and raids to get your marks, I'd rather they leave in the ability to buy materials for marks to keep you happy as well. I see the the turn around to selling and buying back, but you can make it so that the trade off doesn't pay off very well. Edit: I failed to say this Bungie, but the game has been good outside the loss of the above stated ability, and the problem with matchmaking in raids on XB1. I have, and still do, for the most part, enjoy you're games and the ideas you guys have. But thinking at the larger picture, you're fan base will not be as large if you continue to focus on PvP. I get that there will be some unique rewards, and that if I want those rewards I will have to dredge through PvP (though I probably won't). The consistancy of updates is great, and I believe that you really are trying to reach out to your fans, but as of right now, I think you're failing the PvEer's.

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