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originally posted in: This "community" disgusts me...
2/18/2015 5:06:46 AM
Your concern is not without merit. I've never been an active participant in any platform of social media, least of all from sites like this and Reddit. However, the inflammatory backlash of ill-mannered behavior witnessed on these threads are a by-product of people's unrestricted commentaries; to each and every user, it is to the satisfaction of their attention-starved egos their unimportant opinions be heard. In such a pitiable psychology, they naively believe their officious authority grants them superiority. They see their every word as invaluable, their every idea unique and indestructible. They are gravely mistaken, yet incomprehensibly still populate this Community unchallenged. As such, your unfortunate statistics exist, much to the loss of we few who repine for a constructive community. koolcam3, you are not alone.

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