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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update - 01/22/2015
2/14/2015 12:44:23 PM
Here's an idea. Give us custom crucible maps. Let us mess around with our friends playing games like in halo2/3. Shotty snipes anyone? Bumper cars with interceptors? Or personal 3v3 matches that are not ranked? Also how about an option to change the element of our class. Like if we pay 25k glimmer we can switch from being a sunsinger to a voidsinger. Or switching a void walker to a arcwalker. Or blade dancer to a voiddancer? Can you imagine the awesome solarbombs? Or the void gun? Or a titan solar smash. How about a raid full of all warlocks, 1 of each element for each subclass. Just some fun ideas that could be an easy trade off for more game time. Reply to this with what element combo you would use or what custom map you would make.

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