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Edited by Abrecadavre: 1/25/2015 5:46:07 PM

Not All Guardians Are Created Equal [Ins. #2]

Camera CR-4-Hallway= LIVE■ Ikora Rey: "Shes a Guardian allright, theres no doubt. She's so [i] young[/i] though. Do ghosts make mistakes? " Her own Ghost makes an indignant noise that goes unacknowledged. Cayde-6: " Obviously. Who in there right minds would resurrect a [i]child[/i]? This is [i]nuts[/i]." Cayde-6 throws his hands in the air. Undetermined Ghost: " We know who we are supposed to Bond with, its not a choice, its just there. If she is young, then we just need to train her, wait fro her to grow up an-" Cayde-6: " Wait?! The Fallen clawing at our Walls sure as [i]hell[/i] aren't waitin', no way no how. Give her to a Civilian to raise, we'll train her when she comes of age." Ikora Rey: " No. We need [i]every[/i] Light we can get. Cayde, I want you to take her to Banshee and get her fitted for a weapon, a pro-" Cayde-6: " I AM [I]NOT[/i] SENDING A [I]CHILD[/I] OUT ONTO A BATTLEFIELD." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bored, bored, bored, bored. The room was empty, and the food robot had come and gone with little discourse. Floaty Ball had stopped answering her questions and sat dimly in a corner. She was going to try again when someone yelled in the corridor. Her impish curiosity piqued, she slid out of her chair and padded to the door. " Jadis? here are you going?" Her Ghost had been roused by the yelling as well, and was now worried. She gave him a bright smile and a tilt of her head. " I'm gonna go see who's yelling." She chirruped, turning the latch and opening the door. As she passed the threshold her Ghost zoomed after her, just getting through. " We shouldn't be out here, we were asked to wait inside." He whispered. " We'll go right back when we find out who's yelling." She was adamant with each tiny, barefoot step. Rounding the corner she saw Cayde and Ikora, the ones who helped her, and stepped out. " Why are you yelling?" Raised voices made her uneasy, as if her past still rung in her head. Cayde-6 looked up, anger melting into guilt on his metallic features. Ikora threw a glare at him and turned to the young Guardian, a smile on her face. " Its nothing Jadis, did you get enough to eat?" She asked, walking toward her. " Yes, thank you." She responded in a plastic way, as if forcing it out of politeness. She watched Ikora arrive before her, Cayde a few steps behind. Upon Ikoras arrival she was offered a hand, which she snubbed with a shake of her head. Ikora nodded her acceptance. " Follow us, we're going to show you around The Tower." She moved away from Jadis slowly, intending her to follow. With a curious look back to Cayde-6 she walked beside Ikora, staring at her outfit as she was led down the halls. " Are you The Boss?" Jadis piped, furrowing her delicate brows. Cayde-6 scoffed behind them and Ikora laughed. " No, no one is 'The Boss'. But we do have people that we respect. I train Warlocks, Cayde trains Hunters, and Commander Zavala trains Titans. You will meet him, right after we ride this elevator." She said as they arrived, the doors opening with a cheerful ping. Ikora stepped inside, followed by Jadis and Cayde-6 taking up the rear. Ikoras Ghost indicated the desired level and the platform began to move. She had ridden in elevators before, or assumed so because she was not scared. Instead she turned her bright eyes to Cayde-6's iron countenance. " Are you a robot?" She asked. H looked down to her and huffed. " No, I'm an Exo. We're different." He was short but not rude. She furrowed her brows. " Why are you different? You're made of metal too. Is it because you wear clothes? Do you have to wear clean underpants every day too?" She was genuinely curious, the excitement of having arrived at a strange new place mostly worn off, her more sober characteristics shone through. Cayde-6 sighed, already flustered. " Its our minds, we thing differently than robots do. And no, i don't have to wear clean underpants every day." Ikora couldn't help but chuckle at this. He stared at her under heavy brow plates, making her turn away. He crossed his arms over his chest and made a metallic harrumph. He was saved from more of her questions by the doors opening to a wide platform. As they exited another walkway could be seen, a small bridge, but it was what was to the right that enchanted her. A great machine revolved around a small green orb of light, it brass mechanics lost to her young mind. Standing before it was a man dressed all in white, and as he turned she noticed that he wore a helm that covered her face. When he spoke she could hear the smile in his voice. " Hello Guardians, and hello, young miss." Jadis smiled at him and spoke up. " Im a Guardian too, thats my Ghost." She pointed to the pale shelled orb, who looked a little abashed. The speaker looked to his own Ghost, who nodded. Straightening his back he nodded. " So you are. Well, im sure you will be joining your fellows on the battlefield just as soon as possible." Even he was hesitant as he spoke to her. Ikor nodded her head. " We're going to see Banshee about a weapon for her. If you will excuse us Speaker." She looked away, eager to be off. He nodded and stepped away, giving Jadis a small wave. She returned the wave and followed along beside Ikora, who seemed to know where she was going. They passed through a hallway where a robot was sweeping busily at a pile of leaves. Wow, they had robots for everything. Following her into the sunlight, the child beheld The Tower. The headquarters for all Guardians. Following her past a pile of boxes and a staircase she stared at a group of grownups playing football. They were supposed to be fighting, not kicking around a ball, right? She looked up to Ikora. " Why are they playing? Aren't thy supposed to be fighting the bad guys?" Ikora looked down to her and then to the group. " They are learning how to work together, as a team. They also use it to relieve stress, so they don't go crazy." She laughed. Jadis smiled. " Can i go play too, after?" he didn't know after what, but she really would like to go play. Ikora pursed her lips and shook her head. " No, not for a while yet. We have to get you a few presents first." Jadis looked up at her and beamed. " Presents!" And her childish demeanor surfaced once more. She nearly skipped as they passed Xander 99-40 who greeted them politely, looking back to the Guardian he was conversing with. As they approached the Gunsmiths workspace they noticed they were not the only ones who needed his services. Lord Shaxx and his good friend Commander Zavala were speaking to Banshee -44; brandishing two different versions of the same shotgun. A snippet of their conversation could be heard as they approached. " -ble, if the head jams then you're left with an elegant club. Oh, hello Ikora, who is this?" Lord Shaxx crouched, leveling himself with Jadis. He, was, [i]huge[/i], and so was the man in the red armor. But the male befre her had her attention, even as she stepped away and behind Ikora slightly. He chuckled and extended a hand. " Hello, i'm Lord Shaxx, but you, just call me Shaxx." Bravely she extended her hand, watching as his armored fingers swallowed her own. Withdrawing from the slightly cold embrace she looked at him with round eyes. " Why do you have horns, where did the other one go?" Lord Shaxx smiled beneath the helm he never removed. " Zavala remembers that battle, don't you? We were at The Wall, it was almost daybreak whe-" " Thank you Lord Shaxx, but we really need to speak with Banshee at the moment." Cayde-6 cut in mercilessly. He had been quiet for most of the walk, and his tone spoke of wanting to return to silence. Lord Shaxx stood and looked to Ikora. " Well then, The Commander and i will be off. It was nice seeing you." He directed the last part to Jadis, who smiled shyly. She did however, sense the tension between the two Exo males, as did Ikora. Lord Shaxx did not respect Cayde-6, who could when the only reason you were at The Tower was because you had lost a bet? Ikora didn't care how he was there, only that he was. Looking to Banshee-44 she nodded a greeting. " We're here for a weapon." She looked down to Jadis. " For the girl." Banshee-44 furrowed his brow plates and widened his orbit shutters. She was serious? ______________________________________________ Yeah, sorry about the wait guys, here it is. Not as exciting as the first installation, but she has to get around somehow! Im going to try to make these things bi-monthly so we can all get our fix. In The Next Installation: Stay tuned as Jadis learns how to shoot, and makes an unlikely ally!

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