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12/19/2014 10:39:03 PM

Bungie End-of-Year Update - 2014

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12472]Bungie End-of-Year Update - 2014[/url]
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  • Edited by Dragonmourne: 12/22/2014 12:46:36 AM
    Take some time to reflect on how badly you (Bungie) have let us down this year. While you guys are kicking back, slurping down egg nog and watching your "not-*brats" (Edit: good grief people, get a grip already!) rip open their gifts, take a few minutes and think about how many other kids will be unwrapping a copy of Destiny and are ignorant to the greed and incompetence that went into crafting the most overhyped game of 2014. It's high time gamers come to their senses and realize what is happening in the industry. This trend of peddling trash for gold is disgusting, and Bungie has proven that it is more than happy to sell less for more to appease its publisher overlord, cutting corners in order to maximize profit and reduce costs at the expense of quality. So I hope you all have Happy Holidays and enjoy yourselves. I'm not sure how you will be able to sleep at night, but I'm sure you'll find a way to continue pretending everything is fine with your "magnum opus" of gaming achievement. Edit: So much blind hostility from certain community members! Why, all because someone doesn't think your precious Space COD is Game of the Year material? I've really enjoyed the witty remarks and name calling. It brings such great points to the table for conversation, and will certainly win over anyone who was on the fence about your position after you call them -blam!-ing ignorant. Edit2: To whatever mod "hid" my post; you can try and protect Bungie employees' delicate feelings before the holidays all you like, but the discontent is real. You might be able to stifle this particular rant, but as time goes on, more people will continue popping up and voicing their unsatisfactory experience with your game. But by all means, hide the post and issue me a "warning". I find it funny how you guys have such double standards on your disciplinary policies and will stamp out folks who don't align with your own bias. Give me a -blam!-ing break. Edit 3: Ok so after the hundreds of comments (many of them in support and a few just downright retarded) I feel like I need to clarify a few things. First, I don't hate Destiny. I know, shocking right? I mean, how could anyone possibly have gripes with Destiny and not actually hate it? I enjoy [b]SOME[/b] aspects of Destiny, but most of it is repetitive arbitrary grinding in the same vein as many F2P MMOJRPGs. Grind, grind grind, get a small reward, grind grind grind. Some of you might argue that Destiny is an MMO. If by MMO you mean there are many people playing it online at the same time, yes, it fits that description, albeit loosely. Destiny is a hybridized persistent online multiplayer shooter, and anyone who calls it an MMORPG has no idea what an MMORPG actually is. That's an argument for another time. I think Destiny can and [b]SHOULD[/b] be much better than it is, however by either greed or creative stifling by Activision, the game feels like a gutted, soulless husk of what it should have been, and that, boys and girls, is what is so damned disappointing. At it's best, Destiny is a mediocre shooter. I'm sorry, fanboys and fangirls, but the gaming world pretty much agrees that Destiny is fairly average and not "teh graytest gaem evar". If you have problems reconciling that Destiny is average, you might be shocked to find out that there are other games out there that have scores higher than 70/100 or 6/10 and are praised as being games of a generation. Seriously. They exist. Destiny is not one of them, no matter how much we all desperately want it to be. With that said, lets touch base on what I meant by "garbage for gold" as so many of you seem to be hung up on that. I was referring to the DLC content. It doesn't matter if you enjoy it, the fact remains that nearly all of the assets used in the DLC are recycled, and much of it is simply fluff that just adds more grinding to an already horrible grindy game. Yes, I have many hours invested in this game, and I will be the first person to step on anyone's toes who claims that Destiny is not a grind and the rewards versus effort are not severely weighted in favor of artificial longevity. We deserve better than recycled content that was quite obviously cut from the original game to be sold off later for an inflated price. Sure, 20 quid might not seem like much to most of us, including myself, but the principle of selling me something that feels so barren and empty and boring does not sit well with me, nor should it with anyone else who has any self-respect or sense of quality. The next point is a simple one that has persisted since VOG was launched. The myriad of bugs and problems related to VOG are ridiculous. Bungie's patching policies are ridiculous to boot, opting to patch cheesing methods rather than actually focus on the major issues that warrant players cheesing content. If you were a doctor, and you know someone has an eeasily cureable disease, would you just treat the symptoms, or would try to squash the bug flat-out (this is in an ideal world where pharmaceutical companies aren't evil and greedy). Bungie is the doctor who treats the symptoms rather than the disease. Baby bumpers for Aetheon, and randomization fo his teleportation, but never bothering to fix the horribly buggy portals or the self-resurrecting Praetorians that become invulnerable and wipe out your 3 man team. Lets also not forget about the Oracles that appear to die, become invisible, and then still wipe the raid. Let's also not fail to mention the end-of-raid bug that causes the raid to abruptly end, with no indication that you have accomplished anything. And Chatterwhite as a reward to take the place of actual gear? Are you kidding me? That should be an end-of-mission completion reward, not a drop Bungie. Methinks few of you have ever actually played games where loot dropped from difficult encounters. As I've said, I don't hate Destiny, and I still find myself enjoying certain aspects of it, mostly being the competitive scene, but even that gets boring unless you run with a group of friends or clan-mates. It doesn't change the fact that I [b]AM[/b] disappointed with the way the game is being managed, and I'm disappointed that Bungie refuses to acknowledge that there is anything wrong with Destiny. That is probably the most frustrating aspect of all of this, that Bungie pretends it's head is in the sand, and when folks like Deej claim that we are heard, and Bungie devs are listening, but then they hand us things no one wants or asked for, that says to me that someone is lying or hiding the fact that they just don't give a shit about their players. Telling me to -blam!- off or that I should just quit playing does absolutely nothing. I don't care what you have to say to me on a personal level, and I'm not going to heed the "advice" of some angry fanboy who can't deal with the fact that people don't share his same opinions on his most beloved game. I'm not going anywhere until I've seen what House of Wolves has to offer, since I was one of the suckers who picked up the Ghost Edition (my wife thought Dinklebot was cute). So yeah, damn straight I'm getting my money's worth and then some. I want to make damn sure that if I choose to abandon Destiny and Bungie at the end of all this, my decision was completely justified. With all that said, I sincerely want Destiny to get better, because it has the potential to be something amazing. For one reason or another, Destiny is being held back, and when you fans brown nose the hell out of the developers and praise them for a mediocre job, you are reinforcing the belief that they can get away with creating less, and charging more, and that, my friends, is the worst crime in gaming of all. Edit 4: Getting up there aren't we? I notice that many of you are upset because I called people's children "*brats". Let's up the ante. Until you have contributed in the birth of your own little hellion, and until you have changed [b]THOUSANDS[/b] of shitty diapers, and until you have spent quite a lot of money on those same hellions, only to have them get upset because they didn't get "exactly" what they wanted, you have no room to criticize. Ask any actual parent of children, and they will tell you that every kid had the potential to act like a *brat, so in essence, all kids can be brats. Do I know if the devs kids are brats 24/7? No, I can't say that for certain, but if their parenting skills reflect the way they handle adverse feedback or criticism, my money says their kids might be even worse terrors than we know. *shrug* Also, for you viewing pleasure: (Link not working on my iPad, apologies)

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