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Clan Recruitment

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11/11/2014 4:24:54 PM

Spacezerkerz Unite! ps3 clan recruitment

I'm a seasoned Borderlands player. I loved the Gunzerker to no end. So that's what I'm dedicating this clan to. To honor Gunzerkerz worldwide! If you have a love for borderlands like I do then join the Spacezerkers!!! If you like to get right in the enemy's face, and ride the lightning bolt in the heat of battle whilst your friend stare in amazement at the ballet of bullets, with you in the middle bouncing between enemies with a grin on your face and a chuckle in your belly, then this clan is for you. Need to raid? Nightfall? Crucible? I'm down! Join today and lets kill some stuff and find us that loot!! Anyone can join at any level.

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