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Edited by JediLike3mY0ung: 10/25/2014 4:02:15 PM

Templar fixes and poll: Do destiny players thinks this needs fixing?





Maybe So?


Dear Bungie, You have spent an insurmountable amount of time talking about the atheon exploits, and only a small portion on the templar. If done cohesively the atheon fight isn't even difficult on hard mode without the cheese mode if every person knows what they're doing no matter where they are. Now to my point, the templar[er?]. every stage of this fight can be cheese'd on hard mode. [b]-CONFLUXES: [/b]altho defending during the waves is still a difficult task for most, the legion waves can be cheese'd by hopping into the spirit bloom chest room and waiting for the ritual to despawn them [b]-FIX:[/b] during the entire fight until the templar is dead make all hidey-hole areas as well as the leftmost pillar connected to the actual area[looking from the spawn point towards the relic spawn] turn back zones. [b]-ORACLES:[/b] everypne sits up top with scout rifles and icebreaker/other sniper with synthesis. a sunsinger glides under the platform where the central conflux spawns to their death[not touching the platform] this activates the waves and the sunsinger can revive themself. from atop all oracles can be seen if people know where to sit[i would explain, but it would take a very long time.] alternatively one person jumps down and runs by where the templar sits during this phase and jumps into the pillar hideyhole just right of him to see the left-back oracle, which is the hardest one to view from atop [b]-FIX:[/b] make the spawn area a turn back zone after the wave has been initiated. [b]-TEMPLAR FIGHT:[/b] By far the easiest phase. Everyone sit in the area where the shield spawns. shield carrier sits in the left corner closest to the templar. shield carrier only cleanses right before negation clearing all marks obtained by not killing oracles. meanwhile all characters equip pulsing or AoE grenadesspaced one second apart straight at the templar. he will float back a few feet and eventually fall off the back edge by where the middle conflux was. This is the easiest way to get the chest for the templar not teleporting as you don't have to take his shield down and he doesn't teleport. [b]-FIX:[/b]baby bumpers encompassing the perimeter of the fight area as well as either [a]: cleanse only removes 1 mark on the stack or [b] missing a certain amount of oracles is an instant wipe. also to futureproof the no teleport chest for any other exploits that may come around have the templer teleport if his shields haven't been taken down in the past 90 to 120 seconds[allowing for recharge if the shield was dropped, but not if it is repeatedly dropped. If you truly view similar atheon exploits to be exploits then you must also address these exploits or make a statement saying that this is how you expected people to overcome this obstacle. My apologies to anyone currently using these methods, but if you can't view them as exploits, you don't deserve the loot. Until these are patched go ham. -EDIT: Ofc everyone is answering no. typical destiny slags. -EDIT2: Bungie as a player I would also like to issue an exploit around the upcoming atheon patch. since you undoubtedly are only fixing what you have stated and not putting any more resources into it than necessary[costs of business or whatever] I would like to predict the next patch you will have to make: to avoid 3 random people from teleporting all you need is to have 3 sunsingers stay outside. But they can;t simply stay outside you say? yes they can. As time's vengeance runs out 3 sunsingers shall have their glorious supers available. they will plunge off of the edge to their deaths, retaining their super abilities. the remaining 3 individuals will be teleported and as they are BOOM 3 warlocks magically come back to life bypassing all the coding you are currently working on. -EDIT3: ANother statement to bungie: I feel it is an appropriate time for you to state what you care about more: having a smaller group of dedicated players[quality], or a larger group of players because you decided to make the game more playable to the masses who don't want to put effort into a game. are you going for quality buyers or mindless consumerism? are you making another Halo or another Call of Duty? -EDIT4: Loot in no way dictates what an exploit is or isn't. if pushing atheon off is an exploit so is doing the exact same thing to the templar, just because you can't do it doesn't mean you are entitled to loot. spend the time learning every aspect of the fight and get better.

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  • I could care less. I got all my gear for my main, I got Flawless Raider, I got Mytho. I still said no though. I've beaten the Templar without teleporting both by pushing him off and by destroying him. I've beaten Atheon every way possible (pushing, using center platform as relic holder and as a gunner, opening portals). The first time killing these enemies was exciting, now on the 25th attempt it's just routine. We have stopped used the Atheon cheese but we will push Templar off. Why not make things quicker? Go ahead and cry that I never earned my gear because I cheesed, but it's a strategy for a [b]game[/b] where I had to figure out what to do and how to do it without my hand being held. Ever play Borderlands? Everyone broke the game with Bee and Conference Call. Then when it was patched they moved on to Bee and Sandhawk. Then certain builds started showing up to destroy bosses or speed through the game. These things will happen, but why not make the most of then until they are patched? You never are forced to do these exploits, so just don't and mind your own damn business. Stop the thought process of "my way or the highway" please, these threads are getting old.

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    9 Replies
    • When the Vault was opened Bungie said we as guardians had to find are own ways. And so we did. "There is not only one way" they said and so we found multiple. I don't see the problem. I do however see a problem if they are now saying "we don't like your ways, this is the way." I noticed that different groups take different approaches. Some still want to find other methods. It should stay that way.

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      4 Replies
      • Basically, play the game the way you want them to? Here is a better solution. Wait till the new content comes out. No one will know how to cheese it, for a few days. If Bungie is tied up fixing the game to meet your standards, what new things could they have come up with? I don't believe that you should have to run the same strikes a hundred times, hoping for an exotic drop, and not getting one. The only reason people look for exploits is because there are not reliable ways to gear up outside of them. I say you can use Xur, but then there are people that call for him to be removed too. Play the game how you want to play it and don't try and force others to play it how you want them to.

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      • No shut up, just leave things alone!! To many people moaning are spoiling the game.... So shhhhhh it

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        • Edited by Morrello: 10/27/2014 7:18:22 PM
          U forgot that skilled players of any class can jump back up to spawn. Get hard mode OP strats down before you start sayin thay all need fixes

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          Fix all of it. I'd be lying if I said my team hasn't wanted to cheese every opportunity given. But at the same time we all like the challenge. If you find a random thread on here for VoG it's a guarantee it's a cheese to the max lobby.

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        • I think they should fix this at the same time they fix THAT HEALTH REGEN MINOTAUR IN THE JUNGLE and all the portal glitches.

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        • And this coming from a guy whose raid stats is mediocre at best. And that's putting it lightly. So have you cleared this raid without using other peoples' strategy from word of mouth or youtube?I would think that would totally be "legit" . I'd really love to know. Let people continue to play how they want to play. The only reason I can see this post even be coming out is at the back of your mind, everytime you see someone in raid gear in strike/tower/raid, you're thinking they may or have "cheesed" it. And what is that of concern to you? Cause you worked "hard"? Define "hard"? Or you put in 3 hrs and he put in 3 mins? See what I am getting at here? It's all relative and not definite. What you put at a higher standard on may not be for someone else. Just the same way I said you stats are mediocre. You may believe you worked hard. However from my perspective, your raid profile is poor and shows you been carried in raids. 34 times by the way is not completions, so those 8 and 6 raid completions.....yeah........edit some of your posts. Bungie themselves gave us a license to play the raid how we wanted. With no guidance. Now people decided whatever tactics they wanted to. "Legit" or " Cheesing" or "Exploit" and now we need to fix it. As well as if someone found a spot to shoot oracles without being shot /push templar or antheon off with nades /supers ...that guy actually put in work to find it, he did not magically find that spot tactic on the first try if you actually don't believe it or not. People loool...... Well for the next DLC I hope they provide a walkthrough for us so everyone will do the exact god damn same thing when doing the Hive raid. Hide behind the same post, shoot from the same spots, run the same labyrinth run, jump on the same pedestals and use the same super combos in perfect timing.

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          7 Replies
          • Edited by Razzupaltuff: 10/27/2014 3:44:09 PM
            Jesus Christ, look at the massive amount of cheapskates who just want to be able cheesing the templar part of the raid to get raid gear and stuff! You guys so suck.

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          • There are just too many [u]actual problems[/u] with the game that need to be fixed before they focus on your idle fancies.

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          • Shut up -blam!- Clearly consumerism do you not know what's going on with dlc Sorry that no matchmaking doesn't make me want to sit in lobby with 3 kids failing cuz they can't beat it for 8 hours

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            3 Replies
            • What make you think that avoiding legions is an unintended mechanic? Have you given any thought to why there are 2 hiding areas in the map? There's been no mention of it from the devs. Despite a patch describing areas out of play. You seem to want to enforce some arbitrary set of rules on everyone. Based solely on your biased opinions.

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            • And we focused on nailing all these parts because we knew we did a few exploits and that it would be fixed eventually. Now we can clear it without needing to hide or push.

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            • Honestly, yeah it makes the game super easy with these exploits, but for some of us who aren't very good at the game and still want a chance at raid gear we have to use these exploits for that. Many guardians out there have a lot of things compromising their time (I.e. Children, jobs, school, etc) so we don't have the time to sit around and train and train all day till we are pros and can have even a fair chance at beating it the proper way. Half of us aren't even lucky enough to get with a group of higher levels whom will help us lower levels out. I can't even begin to tell you how many times a group of 29's and 30's have kicked or bullied a level 28 out of a fireteam because "it's not worth the time trying to carry a 28" I mean this community is supposed to be supportive and helpful but if you have people complaining about every little exploit for whatever reason then you are really omitting the chance for anyone to get raid gear who doesn't have hours upon hours of time to find a fireteam who can make it from Start to finish on hard mode the proper way. Just leave the exploits alone and if you are good at the game and have an awesome team to run with then just run the raid without exploiting the easy methods. Simple as that.

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              9 Replies
              • The amount of "no" responses is APPALLING. This has got to be the most casual playerbase I've seen in a game, ever. It's crazy how reliant some people are on these cheesing methods, and how they've tricked themselves into thinking it's just "clever use of game mechanics". It'll get patched, and you will cry. I'd start preparing for that.

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                22 Replies
                • Pushing yes, the other strategies no. It takes some foward thinking and planning to figure out these sniper positions. Bungie shouldn't take our strats, analyze; then try and work against us... unless they are in fact VEX.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Fully agree.

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                  • Thanks for the raid guide! It's the best one I have seen yet!

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                    • Fix the glitch the portals not teleporting you or destroyed oracles still marking you before fixing cheese's enough said.

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                      • Cheesing is a legit strat. Why would I lift a pallet by hand when I can pick it up with my forklift and drive it where it needs to go. People will always find easier ways to do things. As we say at my workplace. (Even the managers say this) work smarter not harder. One thing I've always found amusing is how much people get upset about things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. If you don't like Cheesing then do it legit. If someone else cheeses what's it to you? I have 2 main groups I raid with, one of them likes playing legit and so we do. The other likes Cheesing. Both raids are extremely fun and enjoyed equally on both sides. Just remember that this is game and meant to be enjoyed. Do what you find enjoyable and let others do what they enjoy.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Agreed we shouldn't be able to wipe the raid so easily with cheap tactics but I will by all means use these tactics until the a rightfully fixed

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                          3 Replies
                          • Some need to be fixed others seemed to me like sound strategy. Honestly I would have though testers would have figured this stuff out before release. BUNGIE released it... Why would they do that if they weren't happy with how we could finish the encounters? These "bugs" are way too obvious, and they should have been caught.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by LatchedRacer90: 10/25/2014 1:35:51 AM
                              lmao another "high and mighty" gamer i bet videogames validate the little ego and self esteem you have OP: "I got everything i want from the raid, patch this stuff that i used so no one can get gear easily and i will be a special snowflake"

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                              3 Replies
                              • You mad?

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                                • SHUT THE FUK UP!

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                                • I really don't get how the Templar can fall off anyway when he's levitating. They don't even need to add bumpers, just make it so he continues to float when he's out of the fight area.

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