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10/21/2014 2:57:20 PM

thoughts on gay marriage???

Im straight but it stupid that its legal in more states to f horses than for people of the same sex to get married.

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  • I don't really understand why it isn't legal everywhere. If we're all allowed to do whatever we want so long as it's not going to physically damage someone or their property, why shouldn't gay people be able to get married? Marriage wasn't invented by Christianity, it was just adopted by it. So its not a foreign concept for non-believers to get married. Thus religion shouldn't dictate laws as it kind if does now

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  • No such thing. It can't exist.

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  • I know I am going get a lot of replies but I ask you to be respectful. I think being gay is a sin and a choice and a temptation. If someone is gay I dont love them any less than a non gay person. Not to many gay people where I live but I met some online. I think they should be able to get married I have no problem with it. But if they want to repent I speak to them or help them. Only reason I am speaking now is to let others know not all Christians are the same. Just because I disagree with someone doesn't mean I wouldnt be a friend or help them etc. God bless.

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    6 Replies
    • Indifferent. I don't care if two men decide to marry. Although, I don't understand why they would want to get married.

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    • Just wait until all of the religious nut jobs in congress die off and it will be legal everywhere in the U.S.

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    • I just ate a booger

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    • It took me a long time to get to this point but I can safely say that I'm pro gay marriage. However, I also believe this topic is exhausted and it's going to eventually become social norm anyway. I understand the more conservative views (since I was conservative on this topic) but I don't think butting ourselves into others' lives is productive, nor is it worth anyone's time or effort. Believe what you want to believe, but don't force your opinions on others.

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    • I think gay people should be able to get married if they choose to. If they don't want to they don't have to, but just like a straight couple, a gay couple should have the option to. I'm pro gay rights in all forms.

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    • If gay people want to be as miserable as every other married person I know then more power to them

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    • 0

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    • As Michael14321 stated, if a gay man can be put on the front lines to die for his country, he sure as hell better be able to have a husband to come back home to.

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      2 Replies
      • I'm straight as well but I'm a supporter of gay rights I'm just glad Arizona got rid of SB 1062 and legalized gay marriage because I don't want my home state to look bad from everyone I'm a proud Arizonian and I want all of those Anti Gay Republicans (not the pro gay or unaffiliated) GONE!!!!

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      • Of course it should be legal there are no legitimate reasons against it that don't involve a book of fairy tales. :)

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        1 Reply
        • So long as I'm left alone, i'm fine. But if they're like in K&P , then no. I don't like seeing anybody sucking face in public.

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        • I could care less it's their decision.

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        • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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        • Edited by Logfish111: 10/24/2014 4:50:08 PM
          It's absolutely fine and anyone who believes otherwise is a class A bigot. It's time we stopped letting people prevent equality by using religion as an excuse for their bigotry. You cannot legislate based on religion. The end. Another ridiculous thing is that if god did exist, he would literally give no shits about 2 guys in the developed world wanting to get married. He would look around at all the other problems we've created in the world and probably have a mental breakdown instead.

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          • Doobies and boobies

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          • I just don't care anymore. The drama over the whole thing has jaded me to it. They can do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't interfere with my life.

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            3 Replies
            • I find it funny how I serve my country and deal with dumb -blam!-s to give others the opportunity to do whatever shit they believe in, but I can't slap a ring on a dude in certain states. I also love how I can help the community, be well educated, and never be thought of as a homosexual, but your religious beliefs say that I am inferior to equal rights and unfit to be a parent. Funny how that works, huh?

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              6 Replies
              • Edited by Odezur: 10/22/2014 4:14:43 PM
                If you don't like gay marriage... Don't marry a gay person. If it bothers you that much what someone does in their own life that doesn't affect you at all, then you are just an asshole. Or your religion is based on assholery.

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                12 Replies
                • If they want to be miserable, let 'em. I wish I could love a dude. It'd just be BJs, NFL Network, and bacon all day. But, I like the Natalie Portman and Alyssa Milano types. No BJs after dating and Cupcake Wars all night.

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                • They got the right to be miserable too. The question is, what happens whenever they get divorced? Laws heavily favor women right? I guess whom ever makes the most has to pay up. I'm sure the gay guy who acts like the wife will play that stupid "I live a certain lifestyle" card. Also what happens with domestic violence. Where women are usually the victim. If the cops show to a gay domestic fight wouldn't it just be like " dude you just got your asked kicked"

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                • Love is based off of a feeling and an emotion, not ones sex, race or gender. So yeah, I think gay marriage should be allowed.

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                • Its not right to tell people what their significant other has to be, male/female. If you want to marry someone of the same sex, more power to you.

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                • Edited by Watcher One: 10/24/2014 4:28:07 PM
                  I dont support gay marriage because of my faith. And I hate it when people use the term homophobe because of that. I do not fear gays, I just dont agree with or condone their choice of sexuality. And I will not act with malice or hate towards any gay person either. I wont put anyone down about their choice. My faith calls for me to try and witness to some people but im not going to force it on anyone or anything like that when I know they dont want it and have made it clear. But when gays try to force their beliefs down my throat, acting like they are some vast majority, then that irritates me. Especially when most states are against legalizing gay marriage but some overconfident judge strikes down what the PEOPLE vote for. So yes im against it, but I wont mistreat anyone who choses to be gay.

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