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Edited by OnyxTheWiseWolf: 10/16/2014 10:03:41 PM

Ascendant Materials Need Rarity Downgrade? (Read Argument First)

Yes, Downgrade Ascendant Materials to Rare (Blue)


No, But Lower the Chances of Drop from Legendary


Leave The way it is


Don't Care Either Way


Hey everyone, vVvDARK WOLFvVv here, it's been a while since I have posted on Bungie's forums (not since I was Vampyre0422 about 3 years ago) so I will keep this as concise as possible. I feel that Ascendant Materials in Destiny need a serious downgrade as far as loot rarity goes. In more instances than not when I actually find a legendary engram (which isn't horribly often to begin with) it yields me ascendant materials, and I have seen multiple instances of potential raid gear being replaced by ascendant upgrade materials out of raid chests.. So I propose, as a person who has a level 28, 21, and 24, and is looking for gear and not materials, that the ascendant materials be downgraded back to Rare (blue) rarity, and made as a possible drop from Decoherent (blue) engrams. or at least lower the chances of ascendant materials coming out of legendary engrams. EDIT 1: I feel it is also worth noting that ascendant materials aren't hard to come by in the first place as you can get them via public events and daily(24 and above)/weekly missions, thus re-enforcing my argument about what their rarity is and what they should be. EDIT 2: Another possible solution is to remove the ability to get them from engrams completely. make it so you can only earn them by way of public events, chests, and daily/weekly content. Or even simply dismantling legendary armor/weapons you don't need for ascendant materials Thanks for your time, and of course any and all feedback is appreciated! SEE Y'ALL STARSIDE! P.S: Yes I am aware that this was also posted in the "Destiny" category, that was a mistake on my part. If a mod wants to remove it from the "Destiny" Category, he/she may Also no TL;DR, I Don't Do those.

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  • I think that Bungie forgot how much of these materials each piece of gear demands to develop them when they tweaked the drops on Ascendant materials. A piece of armor eats up [b]18[/b] Shards, if it's Legendary; three times it wants to be fed six Shards. It's slightly different with Exotic Gear, Exotics want to be fed twice, eight shards each for a total of 16 Shards. We have four pieces of armor, though, and long-term, we're going to need some armor redundancy since we can only equip one Exotic piece at a time, and a lot of Exotic pieces are annoyingly tailored to particular Subclasses. Me, I have a good Exotic helmet and a good piece of Exotic armor, and I'm going to have to develop both of those, plus a Legendary helmet and Legendary armor so I can alternate between my Exotics for which sublass I want to use. Long story slightly shorter, that's [b]72[/b] Shards just for the Legendary gear, and another 32 on the Exotic pieces. A bare-bones equipment set up is still 56 Shards in total, one Exotic and three Legendary pieces. This is a huge demand for of Shards - just Shards here - and the game is just not yielding them. Well, not unless you're one of the poor maniacs that's actually able to get to the end of the Vault of Glass to be showered in Ascendant materials instead of proper loot, but I digress. The game does not yield enough Shards for what it demands. Instead of eating 6 shards at a time for 3 upgrades on Legendaries, it should eat 2 for the first of the three, 4 for the next, and six for the final. That'll reduce Shard consumption by a third. Exotics, eh. Leave 'em. They're rare. They can eat 16 Shards. Whatever. The game then needs to yield more Ascendant materials. This is a major hold-up for a lot of us who are struggling with some of the End Game material, especially when we finally manage to get a group going for the Vault. And that End Game came way too soon.

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  • No.

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    2 Replies
    • I personally feel they are and should be legendary. I actually love when I get materials in engrams because I am fully geared and the more upgrade materials the better. And you don't want then to be too easy to get because it is the final materials needed to make your gear complete so... It seems right to me. Once you have the gear you'll be wishing for upgrade materials in your engrams trust me

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      • I think that in raid you should have a chance to get them in the chest but not when you kill a boss because when you kill the gate keepers or the Templar on hard mode I don't want to get ascendent materials for doing something that hard

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by kyuubi_clone: 10/16/2014 9:02:05 PM
          i support your idea. however, have you considered what will happen when those shards are easier to get for the entire destiny community? i'm a lvl 28-29 titan with a full set of raid gear, and all i need are shards to reach max level. what will be left for me to do when i get to 30 so quicky? let's not forget those people that use alt characters to farm materials and coins already. i understand that raid chests should not give legendary materials...i know how it feels to only get shards from the raid. but making it easier may destroy the longevity of the entire game. there will no longer be a need to continue striving for legendary materials. we have to be careful what we ask for with regards to achieving things easier (materials, legendaries and exotics). now if we were able to buy SOMETHING with our glimmer....besides ships, sparrows and syntheses.....c'mon can do better than this!

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          11 Replies
          • I would like to see the chance of ascendant materials dropping from raid bosses lowered a bit, even if it's only 1 or 2%. Now I can't complain as much as some other people can, because I've gotten 3 raid weapons from beating the vault twice, but it's still disheartening to see people (myself and my teammates) get materials after fights instead of gear...

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            • They are legendary as they are only needed for legendary stuff.

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              • I truly can care less about dropping their tier from legendary to rare again but what I truly believe is that they need to fix the raid where you are more likely to get gear apposed to ascendant material. 2 weeks in a row now I have gone on perfect shard runs (aka only getting shards as drops) with 2 chatter whites in the mix but truthfully i feel they need to be more common when doing public events so you can enjoy doing patrols more when the more events you take place in the more material you will get

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                • Agree about the raid issue but not the rest. You don't always get ascendant material at the end of public only garanted once a day for gold unless your really lucky. As for legandary ingrams it should not change, you can buy your armor with marks and often better then decrypted ones. Also the real armor that we want is in the raid. You are in the same position as me with three characters so it seems like we get more because we get them a cross all three games. Thats how i get mine stock pilled but if you actualy start upgrading all armor pieces plus a legendarie without the other character drops you run out fast! Unless you are very lucky and get them off events all the time! That's my opinion why we should only change the volt where you get garanted armor or gun at boss and random in chest. [quote]Keep up the grind gardians[/quote]

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                  5 Replies
                  • Edited by BiigDaddyDellta: 10/16/2014 8:53:47 PM
                    ascendant mats apeared before from engrams. they only upgraded the rarity because of the patch on the cryptark and to better associate the mats with the gear, it's working as intended now. not supoosed to be easy.

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                    3 Replies
                    • A reasonable post with an articulated case. OMG Yet to make it into VOG so I don't feel qualified to answer. But I have MMO xp as a guild and raid leader. I agree with the principals here and another posters comment. Boss rewards should be considered for separate loot tables that represents the risk reward. It's never a great experience to at last take out that boss with your team for the first time to get RNG screwed to a standard drop

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