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9/27/2014 3:04:09 AM

Helmet upgrade to mute the Dinklebot / call Lord Shaxx

TL;DR: After level 20 / final cutscene, unlock an upgrade on all helmets to mute the Ghost or replace his mission dialogue with generic instruction from Lord Shaxx on the radio. Let's talk about the Dinklebot. I honestly don't care for Peter Dinklage's delivery at all. I can only imagine that somebody told him the Ghost is kinda like a robot, and never had the heart to tell him to stop. Before anyone jumps on me and says he's not entirely to blame: I agree. The script itself is lacking. But imagine a world where Dinklage had told the Chief "This cave is not a natural formation. Someone built it, so it must lead somewhere." Listen to Jen Taylor reading that line, and you can just about believe that it's important information. I'm a bigger fan of PVE than PVP, which means I get subjected to the Dinklebot package of apathetic script and delivery a whole bunch. Playing the strike playlist and running patrols are my daily diet, and hearing Dinklage repeatedly pretending to be interested in the Ether Sups I just found ad infinitum kinda tears my suspension of disbelief down. So I propose a solution, as per the topic of the post. Now for some clarifying points: - We unlock at a reasonable point in the game to give the player the opportunity of experiencing the dialogue "fresh". After final cutscene is probably best for this purpose. - It should deactivate for the first play-through on DLC, raids, etc. - It should of course be optional, ideally as a per-character global upgrade at minimal or no cost. Set it through the helmet upgrade screen and it applies to any that you wear. - It should function only in PVE environments. To clarify, this doesn't include cinematics. - It shouldn't affect other voices. There are enough factions and objectives involved in patrol missions to keep it mixed up and there are no plot points that they're repeating to us. "Call Lord Shaxx?" I hear you ask, with a quirk of an eyebrow. PVP announcers have to have a voice that you can live with everyday, and I think Bungie chose well with that in mind. Certainly better than their choice for PVE guide. "So, what? You want Lord Shaxx to retell the entire story?" Not at all! I actually don't care about what's happening in the story much. Dinklebot already did a hash job of telling me what's happening, and I filled in the rest myself. But sometimes it'd be nice to be reminded of what I'm meant to be doing. How about if our imaginary helmet upgrade could replace Dinklebot's lines with randomly-chosen lines from Lord Shaxx with instructions, eg: "Proceed to the objective" "Good job!" "Clear them out" "Eliminate the target" "Hold this position at all costs" "Deploy your Ghost over here" "You've delivered a crushing blow to the forces of Darkness. Well done, Guardian" "We've got what we need here" Check it out! Add a few skip-fractions that address the player directly and add generic flavour, and you've already got enough material to completely supplant the instructions from Dinklebot. Let me know your thoughts on this, peeps. Give the post a like if you think Bungie should implement a solution to the repeating story dialogue, even if it's just a mute option.

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  • First of all, love the Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter reference. Secondly, I really like this idea. I frequently find myself wishing that I didn't have to listen to Mr. Dinkleage's "reading voice." It really sounded like someone told him to read it with more emotion and he strained it sarcastically. I realize it is better to include vocal queues for objectives than to have to hit the select/back button every time in order to figure out what the objective is and I think that the way you described, with a relevant npc at the tower feeding you simple audio queues/"moral support" is the best way to compromise between the tv mute button and the dinklebot's lines. Sometimes I can get really into playing a mission or something similar but then I get snapped right back out of my "mojo" by my Ghost patronizing me about how we'll [i]NEVER[/i] explore all of the tunnels beneath the surface of the moon. Maybe as an addition to replacing the dinkle-dialog and being on the radio with Lord Shaxx, there can also be a feature where you can call Xander 99-40 to see if there are any special area specific bounties around you. Like, "Reports of a Summoned Ogre have surfaced near *this location* your presence is needed here, guardian, and your services will be rewarded." It could just be some vanguard marks/reputation/glimmer/nifty loot. And it doesn't have to happen frequently but I think it would make a nice addition to the game, just an open bounty that you don't have to accept from the board or a patrol beacon and is similar to a public event but it is personal to you (unless you are on a fire team, in which case it can be a mission of raised difficulty requiring the other members to help). I really like the idea of embedding equipment in your armor, like the aforementioned call function, or maybe a night-vision switch (it would be nice to have the ability to turn the ghost lamp on and off), or maybe a target highlighting function that has a 25 meter area of effect and can only highlight one target at a time (I fear that if the system didn't have anything to reign it in, people would just camp in a corner with a shotgun more than they already do), maybe something like a sonic amplifier upgrade that can "deafen" all enemies within a very short distance (2-5 meters): making their game go silent and losing the hud briefly or twisting their target reticle off center temporarily to simulate a reflexive action. Possibly give leg armor the ability of a hydraulic/motor assisted speed boost that kicks in if a player sprints for long enough but that causes the player to slide to a stop to simulate inertia. I went a little off topic there, sorry but I got excited. I agree with the above post (and I think that my previous ramblings should be taken into consideration as I think most would agree that it would make for an interesting game mechanic).

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