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9/19/2014 9:46:23 PM

You know what everyone who still gets error code bee should do?

Review this game on Amazon and other pages. Make potential costumers know about the issues you have with this game. Tell them how Bungie just ignores the fact that a lot of people have these problems and just points it's finger on our network settings or ISP's. Right now it seems like Bungie is ignoring the fact that there are a lot of people with error code bee. The official statement about us is that we are just a few and that's our connection to blame.. even if Destiny is the only thing that seems to have it's problem with it. Let people also know this. Tell them about Bungies awesome tech support.. the one we are still waiting for. Warn them about potential connection errors no one works on and yeah.. .. that's what I've learned from Mass Effect 3's ending. Make it public, make sure as many people as possible take notice about problems like this one and bring ignorant studios like Bungie into a situation, where they are forced to to something about all these complaints. They are not acting on their own soon. They are still blaming us for error code bee and offer no support at all. Make it public, create a situation where Bungies pr damage control guys have to step in and promise a fix. Don't just sit here and begg for a fix. Tell people the truth, cause some pr damage with it. Maybe that's the only way to get a fix for "bee" soon. Your choice, guys. I've already wrote a few reviews by now.. warning people about the possibility that they wont be able to enjoy this games endgame. As more people will do this as less will buy the game. This will eventually force Bungie to act on some way or the other. What was this nice slogan from ME3's flamewar from 2012? We will hold the line! Are you with me? Will you hold the line? Will you do your part to make sure everyone will be able to play this game soon? Join me, write reviews, make people know about all what's currentely going on with Destiny and hold the line! It worked with Mass Effect 3. Bioware even changed that games ending because of the preasure. I'm sure we can get a fix as well, if we just do the same thing all those Mass Effect people did a few years ago. Do your parts, guys. I'm counting on you ;)

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