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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 11:46:29 PM

Destiny, a game made for fun.



Destiny needs improvement I'm a realist


Destiny is fun! That's all I care about!


What I don't understand is people want to whine and complain and quit because destiny 'lacks new content' when bungie clearly chose to release less content in the beginning and take their time to ensure it was working. Battlefield 4, for example, did the opposite, and many people (myself included) swore off of EA for good because of it. EA brought a huge game to the table with bf4, but the game on RELEASE was in alpha at best and literally bricked my ps4 because the coding was so bad. No such issues with destiny, and even though they've clearly specified release information for new content which will be here about the time the average player can be ready for it, people are ditching and hating before even remotely getting through what's here now. It's illogical. Furthermore, people argue that bungie has made a poor blend of mom and shooter because of some sort of preconceived hype, but I would argue this is largely due to their own inability to recognize that both bungie and a division are primarily shooter game fanatics, and bungie's shooter mechanics thus received the focus and polish, as could easily be expected. The MMO side of things, I would venture to say based upon bungie's track record, can and will be anything we as purchasers lobby for. Be constructive and thank bungie for not moronically releasing a flawed beyond playability product or something similar because they didn't have time or knowledge to make it right, and embrace the fact destiny isn't a finished product as a good thing, because that means we can write the story with bungie and see our dreams realized. There's no point in releasing vast amounts of content on day one if no one can even access it because you didn't have time to work out the bugs, and that's what massive launch day game releases do. If a few months go by and nothing happens, okay, fine, call it quits. But if you really haven't given destiny a chance to become all it can be and quit before you even get to endgame (which isn't difficult) then you cannot legitimately argue that destiny lacks enough content to keep you interested. I didn't play the beta, or the alpha. I didn't get caught in a hype trap. I looked at destiny and said, I like how it looks, I have faith in bungie. So I bought it. And I played it, and played it. Sure I'm only level 24, but what no one is doing is comparing destiny to halo. Halo was fun, but the multiplayer was hugely unbalanced. Join a game late? Too bad everyone else has weapons that one shot you, and you can't just go pick up ammo and be on even ground with them. You're behind before you even start. Don't know all the weapon spawns? Hah, prepare for a crap k/d (and no, being able to memorize weapon spawn locations is not skill, it's time investment and utilizing weapons from one spawn to overpower and take another weapon spawn). And you know what halo multiplayer was not? Fun. I know, controversial statement. But it wasn't, unless you were the one hoarding weapons, or you didn't like one shot weapons, you were screwed. This time, bungie fixed those issues. This time, bungie clearly focused on the multiplayer crucible and it shows (admittedly rumble is terrible). I have spent the vast majority of my time playing multiplayer and enjoyed nothing more; strike missions are neat occasionally, and yes repetitive, but if you're fighting strikes that out level you they're very entertaining and completely doable if you aim for the head and aren't obsessed with the idea that you shouldn't die for some reason. You're supposed to die, you're supposed to learn, that's the nature of things. It's okay to die, get back up and don't do it next time, don't get frustrated because you have such a narrow minded view of how a shooter should be. In pvp, people complain about one shot imbalance. Yes shotguns and fusion rifles can be annoying, but if you pay attention to your tracker, use your grenade and shoot them in the head and they're dead meat. Yes if you charge head first into them you'll die. Duh. That's what a shotgun does best in real life or game. It's no different than a guy with a shotgun running at someone with a pulse/AR and getting dropped because the shotgun does zero damage that far away. It's all about how you play the game and how much of a moron you are. Blade dancers are annoying as well, because they can kill several people with their super. However, no one seems to bother to realize that any other class's supers are equally destructive, they're just in a different format. Also, those supers will kill the blade dancer in his super. Supers are intended to be incredibly destructive and break the gameplay monotony, overpowering vehicles or groups of enemies so the lone soldier is not always simply reduced to mince meat (though at the same time destiny beautifully balances the Rambo dynamic if proper teamwork is used), which was one of my biggest dissatisfactions with halo. Sure strikes are repetitive, but all moms feature repetitive endgame instances. All of them. Just because it's some you've never seen before becomes irrelevant by the time you actually get the gear you want, the grind is the same either way. At least in destiny they didn't waste resources making endgame strikes distinct because they recognized these strikes would become monotonous either way. The raids will be true endgame grind fields and will feature more variety, as they've stated. It will still be monotony. But the over monotony is broken by pvp, and vice versa. The public events break the monotony of both, and future content will expand this. The point of destiny isn't to make a game that caters to monotonous playstyles, it's to allow us as players to experience variety. Destiny is certainly a jack of all trades, but it fills that told beautifully. If you want to enjoy the game, do a little bit of everything and you'll enjoy yourself immensely (or at least I have been). One reviewer stated that destiny does not provide motivation to want to experience it's content; I find this statement to be untrue. Destiny's motivation just doesn't come in standard form. There's not the showboating and drooling and frustratingly like boring "cool" factor of other mmos. People aren't sitting in town where you can pine over their dedication to the game (and obesity) with all their cool gear and that being the incentive to go acquire that gear. Destiny is meant to be played for one reason. Fun. You're meant to enjoy playing destiny, and the gear and levels just come as a part of that; you don't get "fun" from the cool points of amazing gear or k/d or other levels of Internet nerdom. You get it from the silky smooth and entertaining gunplay and variety of different playstyles available to you within the world of destiny.

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