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Edited by Aspersio: 7/23/2014 4:45:01 PM

Destiny needs a trading system.

I understand the whole "but dat personal loot tho" thing, however, more often than not, I am not getting anything I actually want. I have friends who find armor pieces or guns they do not want and I do want, and vice versa, and all we can do is just sell it for cheap loot and useless weapon pieces. I am not asking for a universal marketplace for selling, I am simply asking for a mutual trading feature. The fact that the common response to this is, "get your own loot" proves the impersonal introverted nature of the current philosophy, and how it contradicts the claimed "social" goals of the administration at Bungie.

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  • Impersonal introverted nature....... You just let everyone know how lazy a gamer you are.....really pathetic!!!

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  • No. Exhibit A: The Borderlands franchise. Borderlands 1 and 2 had total, unfettered, laissez-faire trading of any and all items. This quickly led to the rampant exploitation via duping. By the time BL2 had only been out a few months, a huge percentage of the player base was packed to the gills with perfect, maxed out gear. This meant that people were now effortlessly steamrolling all of the game's content. Trying to play through the game, co-op with randoms, was frequently nothing but Johnny Dupes-A-Lot tactical nuking everything in your path with a Norfleet launcher. It was not fun. In response, Gearbox then started balancing their DLCs around the fact that everyone had grown to godmode status with such gear proliferation. Normal enemies became bullet sponges. Bosses had HP bars measured in the millions. Now the game was finally challenging again, BUT now you had to pick from a handful of the most overpowered gear in the game if you wanted to successfully farm the DLC bosses. It was a vicious, self sustaining saga of power creep that went on and on. Borderlands: ELEVENTY BILLION GUNS!!! But by end game, everyone was scorching the Earth with the exact same ones. Ask any BL player what they used to farm the Ancient Dragons. It will literally be a list of about the same 10 pieces of gear. Even if Bungie found an absolutely impenetrable way of stopping exploits, trading still cheapens the loot pool to a degree that makes loot-based games less fun. Genuinely rare finds become more 'average', as they can easily find their way to any player that needs to incorporate it into their build. Hardcore players that have hundreds of hours under their belt could have certain examples of guns that are so refined, they can easily dump less-than-perfect examples on more casual players. Soon everyone is a walking armory of super strong hardware, and rare finds now become 'meh'. We don't need that in Destiny.

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    2 Replies
    • Nope

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      • I like that you have to get your own gear and make your own fortune. No riding the coattails of others. You did the grinding and got lucky.

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      • I could not agree more!!!

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      • I can't like this enough!!! Legendary gear should be bound to account but we need a mail system to send extra/old gear to friends. It just makes fireteams better!!!

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        • feel as if a trade system is a no brainier that must be being held back from beta until full release. If not, totally makes no sense IMO to omit a trade system from this type of game.

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          • At least trading within a fireteam/guild/clan.

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            3 Replies
            • You sir would do the community a huge favor if you just went to hang yourself. [spoiler]No one wants -blam!-ing currency farmers ruining the game.[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by RE_Definition: 7/23/2014 4:55:12 PM
                Here's a little tip buddy. If your trying to push a certain agenda. Cut the immature negative comments and childish quotes. On another note trading isn't a big deal, everything besides weapons that drop are class specific.

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              • And what about a system you can select 5/6 friends you only can trade with at the beginning of the game, this could be a sollution for people playing with "real life" friends, fireteams, lovers, brothers and the rest, so you can share with your fireteam (expecting they would be a friend group or something) for the rest of the game, sending glimmer to each other would be nice also

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              • It would have to be carefully executed to avoid exploits, but I wouldn't mind some kind of trading at least between friends

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              • Nope. Go out and earn your own loot!

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              • No. That is a terrible idea.

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              • Bungie already said they weren't going to do it. End of story. It ruins games like Diablo and wow and they don't want people exploiting it and making real world money because it will become pay to win.

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              • An auction house type thing would be nice

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                • Solution : WoW style trading system. Cetain gear should be bound to your account. Items like emblems and ships/shaders should be freely tradeable.

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                • As a large fan of the Borderlands series I know of the exploits that trading can cause. Their not good. However I think you that there should be a trading system where you can't trade legendary guns. Only tiers below that. Since Destiny is an all online game I think it would fix the duplication exploits anyway, but trading unwanted legendaries discourages dismantling of worse guns so you can't get extra resources.

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                • No thanks that would kill the game i think. I get decent loot when I go exploring guys and its only a beta. Plus stuff would go wack with a trading system more laggy and stuff like that because everyone would be on it. Go explore get stuff and get the thrill of new loot not by trading it.

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                • I don't think that destiny need a trading system. The trading system destroyed diablo3 and many other games. So pls don't do any shit like this :/

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                • You can't talk to people unless they are in your fireteam. That pretty much kills the issue of "farmers" trying to annoyingly peddle their wares in town. I am extremely dismayed to hear that my brother and I won't be able to share our loot.

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                • NO.... it doesn't, damn people are lazy, always looking for that super gun to compensate for lack of skills and time

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                • It does need a trading system.

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                • I think a trading system would be fine. I have had the same problem was playing with my brother an i get a item he really needs nope can't trade him the item. I think every mmo type game has trading. Now to fix the whole giving away items to people i think they should make it to where if you trade a item you have to trade a item of equal value to them or trade the amount of glimmer the item is. then that would fix people just giving stuff away to people.

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                • No!

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                • I'll be honest if trading was implemented I would definitely abuse it. I would definitely trade my good uncommon gear for glimmer if possible. If the trading was just for other gear, I would also abuse that by trading some good u gear I have for multiple pieces of not so good gear. The reason being is that later in the game players need the parts you get from deconstructing gear in order to upgrade gear. If trading was implemented like I said I would do this because I am not going to sit by and waste an opportunity to make the game a bit easier for me just to make the game fit to someone else's ideals. I hope no one thinks too badly of me for this post but I imagine there are others who would do this as well. Because if this trading system is implemented then there will definitely be new players ending up with good gear some way or another. Even if you limit trading to clan only, all people have to do is create clans just for trading. Or if trading is restricted to fire teams you play with all that has to happen is one high leveled friend takes a low leveled friend on a mission and boom, the low level could end up with some sweet loot. I am sorry to say but whenever a kind of free type market is introduced to a large number of people, there are going to be a fair amount exploiting that, and just as many like me who say "well if the system is already being exploited I might as well participate so as not to be beaten by someone who took advantage of the system. ' Especially in a game, where the only consequences for abusing the trade systme would be people complaining on message boards

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