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Edited by Octsober: 1/24/2015 3:44:34 PM

Is It Fate? Tale of the Jackal

[b]Into the Wilderness [/b] [i]-Oliver-[/i] Upon a large branch, lay a guardian. A ruffled-hat covers his face. He lounged lazily as he brandished his knife. The day was cool and calm, a peace he knew once long before he died and become a Guardian. In his past life, before his rebirth, he was a man by the name of Oliver Crossrite. As a Guardian he's known as [i]The Jackal.[/i] He continually sat and brandished his large knife, while whistling a little tune. At times he would flick his wrist and toss a knife at the bark in front of him. It would impale the wood with a twang. “Oy! Another day of mindless knife throwing eh?” said his ghost as it materialized in front of him. “I didn't g’it me no winner na’ow did I?”. “Bramble... Why do you have to go and ruin all my [i]getting-my-head-on-straight[/i] time?” Oliver said while brandishing. Oliver’s ghost was odd. Bramble spoke in an old tongue of English that was unfamiliar to him. More times than not, he had trouble understanding him. Bramble slowly hovered over Oliver and twisted his components around in ways so that he could, nudge him. “ If I've ever dealt with such a hoon of a bloke I’d of considered thrice…you can't hide from yer problems Olivah." They both grew quiet as they listened to the nearby bristling of branches. The nestling became louder and louder until it abruptly stopped. Bramble disappeared into a mist of light as Oliver listened briefly then began to brandish once more. “I told ya the first time and I’ll tell ya again. I’m not tellin ya nothin!” He said as he blew shards of metal off the blade. Below him a shadow of a creature stood. It was, from what he believed, as an agent of the nine. It stood motionless as it’s blue spheres flickered within it’s tattered hood. “They… see interest…” It said as it’s voice echoed among the forest. Oliver leapt down from the branch quickly to face the shade. His hat flew off revealing his hair, golden, cut short on the sides, but at times, strands would droop over his face. “What part of no don’t ya get shade?” He said as he let out a puff of air, in an attempt reorganize his hair. “You don’t think I know what you’re up to? You and that Xur fella been doing, coming to tower with all these goodies for all the good little guardians to buy up, pfft. I've earned my gear!” The shade blinked slowly. It stood quiet as it extended its hands showing a vision of two gunslingers at showdown. Oliver knew the two figures well, for they were legends every guardian knew of or at least heard whispers of. It was the duel between the two legendary hunters Shin Malphur and Dredgen Yor! “That’s… those are. But how?” Oliver said confused, unable to turn his eyes away. “Tell me, is this a recording of some kind, or is this of the past yet to happen?” The shade cast away the vision. “Answers.. require.. payment...” It said in a cold, low murmur. Oliver was a devout guardian, but his one downfall was his lust for power, to prove to himself that he was the best guardian the light ever birthed. In his quest for strength, he sought to first prove himself in the crucible. He became skilled in combat vs his fellow guardians, however this skill didn't reflect in leadership or teamwork. His insatiable thirst for competition eventually gave way to his downfall. No guardian would work along side him, as his brash, one man army tactics caused strife in many of the groups he partook. With no one willing to team up or play against him, he was washed up. Oliver ran his hand through his hair as he pondered to himself. He looked deep into the blue, faded windows that pierced the shades darkness within. There was a chill he began to feel that he had never felt before. He broke his glare and began to laugh. “OK pawn of darkness, I’ll play your game.” Oliver said as he placed his back on the tree closest, and crossed his arms. “What do you want to know?” “…” It paused. “ Death.” “You want to know how I died? huh… well that’s a..” He began to speak under his breath. [i]“Whaddya think? Should we bother with this thing?” [/i] Bramble remained quiet but from what Oliver was to make out, was the sound of an annoyed grumble. [i]“..I’ll take that as a yes.” [/i] Oliver began to stretch. He extended his right arm and made a drawn grunt. “I remember.. the look on it’s face. Well all I was able to really see was the eyes. It was late one night and I was doing some leg work for one of the local [i]dropshops[/i] downtown. My boss, Took-12, was the Exo running the join, basic scrapper looking to turn a glim on anything he could take apart. He said he used to work in the Reef, but I didn't buy it.” He stopped stretching and returned his back to the tree. “That one night in particular though, there was just this feeling I couldn't shake. I can’t put my finger on it really, but it’s that impending sense of doom. I don’t expect you to understand.” He cracked his neck. “Anyway, Took had found something big. I could tell by the intensity of his purple, synthetic eyes, and that stupid thing he did when things were going his way, it was this particular beep he made, must have been some kind of malfunction or somethin'." He paused as he wiped his mouth. "The job was simple. Bring this pack to Location B, this ship supplying firm the Vanguards would contract every now and then for repairs. Even better was that I made drops to Location B many times before, so I was thinking this night was a hop, skip, and a jump away from getting my drink started that night.” Oliver looks around, as if someone else may be listening. He begins to speak again in a low, cautious tone. “I get on site and it’s a ghost town, not a damn soul. Yeah I’m thinking it’s a bit late and curfews up, but it was damn cold in that building, and in the middle of harvest season? No damn way. I got that feeling of impending doom again, all lingering around me, but this was more of a warning if any. So I drop the package and hightail it out. That’s when the bastard got me. Last thing I remember was a blade the size of my arm gone through me with these, red-demon, eyes staring back at me with a smile as big as the traveler itself. And then. Darkness.” The shadow twitched it’s head and gave a subtle nod. “This does well...” It said in an echo as it began to fade into nothingness. “Wait! Dammit! What about my end of the deal!?” Oliver shouted, immediately drawing his blade. “Botched again!!” He said as he threw the knife furiously into the wilderness. Oliver let out a long drawn sigh as he collected himself. He quickly hopped up to the branch of the tree to gather his things. While collecting, he noticed an odd yellow engram among his things. There was a note on the engram. It said: [i]To a Mr .The Jackal - Guardian, I implore you to reconsider this years enlistment within the crucible. Your people need you. Return to the fight. Honorably, [/i] There was no name signed on the letter. Oliver grinned as curiosity consumed him as he held the yellow engram. “That’s one hell of an invitation..”

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