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9/30/2014 7:43:20 AM

Is this a good idea or does it suck?

Good idea


No it sucks.


Dont know if anyone has thought of this but last night was playing Destiny until 3am, im still pretty rubbish especially at deathmatches and a like. When I went to bed I had a dream and basically you have these 2 entrances one at each end of a large underground complex which is teaming full off badies, every kind. At one end you have 20 red team players and the other you have 20 blue team players. The idea is for each team to work to a central point within the complex where you are faced with every end level beast and lots of them. The idea is that both teams compete against each other by causing the most damage to the end level beasts but you cant kill each other and effectively you are on the same side but you win the game when all the beasts are dead and the team with the most points wins. You could also turn it in to a last man standing wins by having a massive deathmatch where each team goes against each other but when your dead thats it. When one team has one then its everyone for themselfs. The Winner then get the big prize whatever that may be. I dont know if the PS4 would handle it but I think it would be a great multiplayer level.

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