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7/28/2014 2:16:18 PM

Controller Schemes

While the available controller schemes for the game are easy to adapt to (I use the default layout), I would appreciate either a few more options or, preferably but less likely, a fully customizable layout. Since I first started playing Halo: Combat Evolved, my thumb has always resorted to the B button in times of close-range, low-ammo hardship. This has carried through every Halo title since, and even into the Call of Duty franchise, where it combined nicely with the right-thumbstick crouch (yes, I dropshot, sorry). However, for the first time, I am not able to set up my controller to function with a B-button melee. My request/feedback is this: please make a few more button layouts available, including (hopefully) a Halo Classic layout with B-button melee and the rest. I realize that there are many new functions and old functions that no longer apply, but keeping the general idea would be enough. Either this, or allow players to customize their button layouts. All the way back to Star Wars: Battlefront II, that was an option, and it worked rather well. Whichever solution, I hope I will have the option of B-bashing Vandals and Acolytes to my heart's content. See you in the field, Guardians.

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