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Edited by Shadow_Lion_Zero: 7/21/2014 10:48:33 PM

Problem with the Hunter's Golden Gun activation! Very Serious!

Ok Bungie listen up because this is a important flaw that has been overlooked. DeeJ I'm counting on you to make sure someone addresses this. Now, we all for the most part all love the supers for each class, THEY ROCK! However there is a big difference in the way they work when you activate them. The Warlock's Nova Bomb immediately shoots from it's hand speeding toward the intended target, the Titan's Fist of Havoc does an instant shockwave ground pound, but the Hunter's Golden Gun actually impedes its mobility when activated. Do not misunderstand I have no complaints about the animation for the activation nor am I angry the gun doesn't immediately fire. I understand that Hunter gets a slight unfair advantage over the other two classes because their super has one shot where as the Golden Gun has three. What I'm pointing out is the fact that "when and while the gun is activating" your Hunter is rendered "immobile". You can't move while its activating and this is a severe disadvantage to players if they're in a battle in the Crucible or elsewhere. Trying to avoid a opponent while on the ground becomes suicide and in the air your directional momentum is slowed significantly making you a easy target. The Titan doesn't have any of this problem since it just does a ground pound whether it's grounded or airborne. I suspect the Warlock probably doesn't have any of these problems either, I haven't played as one yet, but it probably matters very little since the Nova Bomb is immediately launched in whatever direction its pointed. The fact that we cannot move our Hunters to try and avoid incoming attacks of any kind is just wrong! Bungie please fix this before launch! Any other players out there who have noticed any similar problems with any class your voice is welcomed here and please speak up. If anyone notices a mistake in anything I've written please feel free to share some corrective constructive criticism, but no whining. This is a serious gameplay topic somebody make sure we get DeeJ's attention so we can get this fixed because it is a problem. To anyone who has multiple systems including PS3, PS4, XBOX360, XBOX ONE please point out differences with the talked about gameplay. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH FOR WHATEVER HELP YOU CAN PROVIDE. BUNGIE I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE WHOLE GAME THE BETA HAS BEEN SO MUCH FUN, BUT PLEASE FIX THIS! And a shout out to More Console, you Beautiful Bastard!

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  • Edited by echo star slay: 9/29/2014 11:26:22 AM
    I find that warlocks can be killed before their super is completed because I have been killed in the middle of casting the nova bomb before. However in the crucible I have also discovered that the titans are invulnerable while they cast their super "Fist of Havoc".

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  • None of the supers are instant. They all have a short activation period where you're vulnerable to attacks

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    4 Replies
    • I've found this to be a big issue in beta, dead sectors being the only crucible match available, titans and warlocks can just devastate an area that's being taken over, only twice have I managed to interrupt a titan special. The thing of not being able to use your super is a bit unfair cos titans and warlocks can and if they fail they get to keep theirs. Even if I'm prepare I still have to get in a room and shoot three people before I get completely annihilated. Animation isn't fair cos titan or warlock can pull there off with low health but hunter has to do it, be left exposed and then take on how ever many people are there. Area of effect for titans seems to be massive, never managed to dodge one yet. On a different point, anyone noticed GG bullets travel a bit slower? I've played all three classes and love the hunter but for online beta so much better off using my titan. Might be different once enemies explode but even then GG should take same time as a weapon switch.

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      • Edited by Joshlug: 7/27/2014 9:23:18 PM
        Listen. I'm a legendary hunter player. I understand where you're coming from. But let me tell you a few things. Hunter 101 everyone!!! 1.) if you jump while activating golden gun, you move in the air, dodging stuff. Enough said 2.) you NEVER activate golden gun in a battle. You are basically shooting yourself doing that. What you do is, activate it before going into a room. Therefore, going into the room clearing it out. 3.) use golden gun when you know it's safe. Don't want to be shot activating it 4.) use golden gun either behind, above, or below players for most effection. If charging into a room headon, kill the players looking at you first, so you are not killed easily. 5.) if in an open space, single jump to dodge bullets while aiming. Only do this if you're skilled enough and can aim while moving at high speeds. Overall, i have no problems with being imoblized activating gloden gun because you don't use it like the titan or warlock super. You use it like a tactical super for best effectiveness.

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        • Maybe just me but as a warlock this came up in my mind. Did you try -not- pulling a weapon out in front of somebody? While yanking out a flaming gun sounds smart, if you see an enemy, you don't switch weapons. You take them down with what's in your hand.

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        • the golden gun is a preparation weapon, fist of havoc, and nova bombs are reaction weapons, you don't use hte golden gun when the guy directly infront of you is shooting you and tougher then he appears, you use the golden gun BEFORE you turn teh corner and come up on the enemy.

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        • the golden gun is a preparation weapon, fist of havoc, and nova bombs are reaction weapons, you don't use hte golden gun when the guy directly infront of you is shooting you and tougher then he appears, you use the golden gun BEFORE you turn teh corner and come up on the enemy.

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        • Warlock get the nova bomb....kill all enemies by you

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        • To me the disadvantage is not just in the immobility, its the fact that you HAVE to be tactical with the hand cannon.With the titan and warlock you dont HAVE to be as tactical. Ive played as all three classes and the hunter seems to be the least effective super ability to me but that's just my opinion. Friends of mine like the hunter more because of its tactical super, but to me the super is supposed to be used when you are in a jam, not just whenever its ready. Again this all depends on how you play so if there is any modifications done to any of the classes it should be minor changes because everyone has their own play style. I believe that the classes are fairly even as far as super charges go you just have to know how to use each of the classes. i recommend every one use all the classes before making any final decisions on which one has a advantage/ disadvantage for your play style. Hope this helps.

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        • Edited by Mordicon: 7/24/2014 12:07:58 AM
          While I understand the mobility complaint, I would have to say that the idea of a Hunter being able to sprint up to an enemy, double jump over them and then blast them in the face (or any other part of their body because its insta kill), up to three times in a row sounds very OP to me. if u ever played NOVA 3 on iOS you will understand this strategy with the Rocket Launcher and jet pack. Understandably the Titan and Warlock have similar capabilities with there ultimate's, but those are single use AoE abilities whereas the Hunter would be able to spread his effectiveness over multiple encounters. Also on a separate note, I would like to add that I think the throwing knife is somewhat underpowered. personally I don't care what class the enemy is, if I hit you in the face with a throwing knife I think you should be dead at that point. BTW this comes from an avid Hunter user.

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          • omg shut up dude. it's fair it's necessary. run and activate or slide and activate. dont be such a baby bitch. cuz that wat i get from you when reading.

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          • I agree! I like the Hunter class, but I hesitate to us my Golden Gun for a few reasons. One, the activation animation. If your in a heated battle your dead, because if you activate the Golden Gun your a sitting duck. Specially in multiplayer! The other reason is the aiming mechanics. Unlike the Warlock or Titan which have an AOE (area of effect) special you actually have to aim to be affective. So, in multiplayer you couple the activation animation and the need of aiming together your pretty much dead. Nothings more frustrating than loading up for your Golden Gun and be taken out by normal gun fire before you have the chance to even fire one shot. My suggestion is when Golden Gun is activated give the Hunter a defensive boost. He doesn't have to be invincible, but he should have the upper hand since the Golden Gun is his special attack.

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            4 Replies
            • I think the golden gun is fine, i just jump before casting. I also avoid casting while in a firefight, but if i have to, I take cover before casting. If anything needs to be changed its the titan super. I've been killed numerous times WHILE still pulling out my golden gun. the very issue you're talking about. Of course, I've lost my super As my titan, I've been killed three separate times while casting my super, and still had if after respawning. THAT should be changed. Also your advantage that you claim hunters have, saying we have 3 shots and the other two have 1 shot... They can potentially take out 4 people (if they're all grouped on one flag. As of right now, the golden gun can take out a max of three. Yes, you can potentially kill more than 3 if you have keyhole. but what are the odds of having lined up enemies while you have your golden gun. Theres also explosive damage than can be unlocked. that would be nice, but it won't be in the beta. We also don't know how big or how damaging they'll be. Also, we still can't panic super.

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            • I honestly haven't played a lot of PvP, but the golden gun seems fine as is. With how powerful it is, it makes sense to give it a larger downside. And I think so far I've found it is the most effective and consistent counter to vehicles.

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            • I agree wholeheartedly. Either speed the animation up or let us move around. In PvP I died a few times trying to pull out my golden gun.

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            • I want to add to this, can we make it so the golden gun isn't pulled out of thin air? The Titan and warlock animations make sense... Warlocks throws 'energy' and Titan basically overcharges his suit. But the hunter pulls a Houdini trick and bam, pulls a gun outta no where. I know it's a game but we can see the other weapons we're using, what's one more? It can easily be put on a hip or thigh.

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              2 Replies
              • While I understand where you are coming from, the Warlock has a immobility delay as well, unless they are in midair, and the same applies to the hunter, however I can't speak for the Titan, as I haven't used it enough to get the super. You stated that the other classes supers are instant, that is just untrue. I have been shut down countless times, in mid use of my super as a warlock. I think that the immobility of the hunter keeps its super balanced. The way it stands now, all supers can be countered, unless the player is taken by surprise, as I believe it should be. TL;DR- I think all supers are balanced the way they are.

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                • Edited by Rakoon: 7/22/2014 5:12:14 PM
                  I disagree completely, once you unlock keyhole and the ability that makes enemies killed by golden gun explode, the golden gun is the most op super. If you are mid double jump you can trigger your super and you won't be completely static. If you shoot as early as you can after the animation, you will have fired your super just before a super from the other two classes. I have used fist of havok and been killed by a Hunter with golden gun, and he used his super just after me. You have to figure out what the pros and cons of each class are. They make you move slower because they don't want to gurantee 3 kills for you. The other two classes only get 1 opportunity to get kills with a super, hunters get 3. People need to stop claiming the Hunter is underpowered, because it's just not true.

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                  • Not being able to move can be a problem however, it seems to me the common complaint surround GG activation I keep hearing is that it isn't instant like the other 2 which leads me to believe people are mad they can't panic super with the Hunter. To this I say GREAT!!! I mean how dare a super actually require forethought and planning before use instead of being just another cheap panic i win button when really i should gotten my ass handed to me. Is it fair the others get instant I win buttons NO it isn't but I'm okay with it because I can kill multiple enemies with my GG and haven't even gotten the perk that lets me doe AOE damage with explosions. So yea i'm glad GG isn't a I win button but yea being able to activate it and stay mobile would probably be a bit nicer given we are vulnerable, if not that then at least give us invulnerability during the animation.

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                    2 Replies
                    • The Hunter super is grossly overpowered to begin with. Its a guaranteed 3-5 kills EASY with guaranteed accurate aiming as opposed to the other supers (especially warlock which is much harder to aim).

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                      9 Replies
                      • I really don't understand what everyone's problem is. I can usually crank off two kills with the golden gun, sometimes even three. If you can see someone facing you, don't activate it. If you see someone close but out of view on your radar, activate and blow their face off. It's about knowing when to activate and when to not render yourself immobile. Timing is everything. It seems to me that a lot of complaints about the PvP in this game stem from people not watching their radar

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                        • im not trying to be a smart ass here....but if you know it has an animation...why wouldnt u seek cover before pulling it out mid combat? or because the game kind of tells you enemies are coming...activate it then? thats what i would do.....or double jump and then activate it...should be good to go by the time u hit the ground

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                          • To say the least it's not a disadvantage to be immobile with a living death machine, I mean the fact that the pistol can instantly kill anyone the hunter aims at is a HUGE advantage over the Titan class since you have to be within a certain perimeter also may I add they need a quick fix on the more focus like the warlock since I have noticed over powered power that sends a ball out that kills upon impact Mindless rambling ahead-------> [spoiler]what I'm talking about is that the fact is it's overall range is way farther than one of the titans power in fact it could easily destroy a whole team within seconds[/spoiler]

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                          • "I understand that Hunter gets a slight unfair advantage over the other two classes because their super has one shot where as the Golden Gun has three." That's not really an advantage when everyone elses super can take out more than three targets. Golden Gun is incredibly lackluster as it is right now. I see a lot of people arguing that it's secretly really good, but it's just not when you weigh the advantages of the other two known supers against it. A) Activating does not always net anything. Whilst Nova and Titan Smash will pretty much kill something every time you activate it even if you die too, activating Golden Gun will just leave you open. B) Amount of targets affected is hard capped at three, that's IF you don't miss a single shot. C) Needs to be used pre-emptively, but this means it can easily be wasted if someone else kills an approaching enemy, or the enemy decides to go somewhere else. The only real advantage that Golden Gun has is when attacking a point that you know is guarded. Due to the three shots you can take out three enemies that are spread apart, unlike the other supers. However, the difficult part is not dying before you can shoot everyone. But yeah. They should let us move whilst activating GG. Though you can activate it whilst in motion if you do it midair. :P

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                            • i usually jump and activate it in the air so they have a hard time shooting me, and i face my enemy while the animation still goes so as soon as its done i just shoot them.

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                              • Now if we could just get DeeJ to see all of this.

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