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7/13/2004 11:39:19 PM

The Marathon Survival Guide: how to improve your marathon gameplay

Hangbrain’s Marathon Survival Guide [b] First of all: there are NO cheat codes in marathon. [/b] Cheat codes are for spazeroids. Live on the edge a little! Now for some basic pointers: Assign the Caps Lock key as your run key. This keeps you highly maneuverable without having to crush you pinky holding down the Ctrl key (the default run key) all the time. Only turn off the run key when you have to do fine-tune maneuvering. Others, however, find it easier to use the Ctrl key for running, so basically you are going to have to experiment and find what’s best for you. Since there is no jump key in marathon, you are going to have to learn how to Grenade Hop. The simplest form of the Grenade hop is demonstrated in the animated GIF below: [url=] Grenade hopping [/url] To do this, all you need to do is turn to face in the opposite direction of where you want to go (the map is very useful for this,) aim down, and start running backwards. Before you get to the edge of whatever you are jumping off of, fire both the machine gun and grenade launcher down at the ground. Tricky but useful, this can give that extra bit of lift needed. This can also be used to pop yourself up onto small ledges. You can also grenade hop forwards. The easiest way to do this is to face where you want to go, give yourself some running room, look down, then run at the point where you want to go, firing a grenade at your feet just before you reach a wall (or whatever). You will take some damage, but you should find yourself at the upper level. Make sure you don't fire right on top of the wall, because you will most likely die. Instead, , you want to time it to be just before you reach the wall in order to take minimal damage. You can practice this on the second level, 'Bigger Guns Nearby.' You can also you SPNKR missiles instead of grenades...they'll take you much higher and farther than grenades, but are also much more deadly if mistreated. Another survival tactic you must learn is sidestepping. This can not only be used to [url=] avoid enemy fire [/url] but also to [url=] maneuver around your enemies [/url]. Remember, sidestepping saves lives… especially you own. Ug. Explody Bobs. The MSP has this to say about them: “Exploding Bobs: cunning. Daring. Deadly. They are innocent colonist that have been converted by the Pfhor into exploding bombs. These can be tricky the first time you run into them, but there are some easy steps that you can take to distinguish between a normal Bob and the exploding Bob. First, normal Bobs will always say 'They're everywhere!' (well, assuming you haven't played with the sound file), while the exploding Bob will shout 'Thank God, it's you!' Secondly, exploding Bobs are always green. Finally, if shot with the pistol, exploding Bobs will spill yellow blood, while normal Bobs will bleed red. Thus, if a Bob is in question, fire one shot at it and look at the color of blood that spurts out.” In short, if it’s green, kill it :-) Remember that on lower difficulty levels, there is a limit to how much ammo you can carry. The figures below are for Normal gameplay: 50 .44 Magnum clips 25 Fusion batteries 15 MA-75 clips 8 MA-75 grenade packs 4 SPNKR Missiles 3 Napalm Canisters Remember that you can also have a full load in any weapon, so theoretically, you have one more than what's listed above. On Total Carnage, however, the above limits do not apply. Some doors, such as ones on 'Couch Fishing', 'Cool Fusion' and 'Colony Ship...', can be propped open. These door are activated by a switch, and will close after a certain amount of time. However, if you deactivate the switch before the door starts it’s closing cycle, it will stay in that position indefinitely. From Jason Martin Levitt comes a simple methodology for approaching any level: 1. Search for switches and room entrances by using map mode. 2. Flip all switches. -If a switch stays on after you've flipped it, don't bother it again. -If a switch turns itself off soon after you flip it, that means either the change was permanent, temporary, or reversible. a. permanent change -- the switch is permanently off -- you can't turn it on again. b. temporary change -- An event occurred that you need to deal with immediately. Generally, this means you need to run to some nearby place to take advantage of the change immediately after hitting the switch. c. reversible change -- For example, hitting the switch causes a pedestal to lower itself and stop. Hitting the switch again makes the pedestal go up and stop. Sometimes, you have full control in these situations i.e. you can stop the pedestal at any point. 3. Look for switches in unreachable places on the walls. Use grenades or rocket launchers on those. [Ed: The Zeus Fusion Pistol will also activate some buttons, but only on overload (hold down alternate weapon button (default 'option') and wait a second). 4. Look for entrances in unreachable places on the walls. Ways to get to unreachable entrances: a. Jump to them by using the "run" modifier key. Often, switching to map mode before making a jump makes it easier to see where you're headed. b. Use pedestals if they're available by jumping across them. Usually, you must be running to accomplish this. c. Use a grenade or rocket to boost yourself up by aiming it at the ground and firing. You do this by backing yourself up to the ledge, aiming at the ground, and firing. On levels where you have friends, such as Bobs, friendly defense drones, and friendly S'pht, if you follow these around, you'll sometimes find additional secret areas. You can abort looking at a terminal by pressing 'ESC'. This may be helpful if you want to grab more ammo or shields before leaving a level. If you are looking for an alien weapon from one of the enforcers on the later levels, then put away that flame thrower! It'll toast both the alien AND the weapon. Both A SPNKR missile and grenades will do the same. One tricky maneuver that is especially useful when dealing with large groups of enemies (particularly when dealing with projectile fighters (ie. enemies that shoot crap at you)) is to run in circles around the groop of enemies. The Pfhor and S’pht cannot lead their shots, so as long as you keep moving, you should be relatively safe. The aliens, however, will inevitably hit their own men, causing them to turn and fight eachother. After they are finished killing eachother off, you can usually finish the few remaining survivors with a running punch or so. And this leaves us with my last bit of advice: the run punch. Believe it or not, your fist is actually one of the most powerful weapons in the game. In fact, it only takes three running punches to take out a purple fighter on Total Carnage. It is a good idea to conserve ammo by taking out lone enemies with your fists, instead of wasting your other hard earned ammo. To do the running punch, simply run at your opponent, and at the last moment (before you bump into him) punch his guts out! This technique is demonstrated below: [url=] The running punch. [/url] Well, that’s all for now. If any of you have any advise you would like to include in this guide, tell me and I’ll stick it in here. Also, if any of the animated pics go down, please alert me immediately and I’ll re-host them. And always remember: Move Fast, Seize the Initiative, Wield Superior Firepower, Dive Into the Melee, Anticipate Enemy Movements, Slaughter the Defenseless, Endure. [I] All info for this guide was gathered from the Marathon Spoiler Guide, Bungie’s Marathon 2 strategy guide, and my own personal experience. Animated GIFs are from Bungie’s Marathon 2 strategy guide. [/I] [Edited on 7/14/2004 8:37:44 AM]

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  • Good poast.Only kill ALL men in green jumpsuits.

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  • Vidmasters don't use mice. Carry on with the keyboard ownage.

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  • I first played marathon on an iMac G3 at age 8, with the four floppy disk installation. I got it because my best friend got it for his birthday, but couldn't make it work on his PC. See, being a mac addict is good :-). Anyway, I noticed that it was near impossible to play using the mouse because it lacked enough sensitivity to turn around fast enough to avoid even a hulk. Is there any way to use the mouse with the original mac game? If not, i'll just continue to own everybody with the keyboard!!

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  • the best game on halo is how many people you can corps hump in 40 seconds [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] number302079 Yeah... I guess there's some good information here. But I tend to be biased against people who come looking for guides just cause they are new to it. I started playing when it first came out. I was eight years old, and I could not have sucked more. but I also didn't have access to the internet, so I had no choice but to learn for myself. And I did. And for that reason, there are only three words of advice I have for anyone out there. At least, anyone out there who was not quite satisfied with the previous several hundred, and finds themself in dire need of, oh say, three more words of advice. Anyway, my only advice for new Marathon players iis this: Never. Stop. Moving. That should keep you alive long enough (Especially for you M1A1 punks, with your newfangled mouses... mice? What is the plural for a computer mouse? Is it mice? It's mice, isn't it? Anyway, I learned to play without a mouse, and I'm a better man for it! Damn kids...) to learn all the other cool tricks... which you just learned by reading the well-written-if-somewhat-disagreeable-to-my-curmodgeonly-nature guide.. Hell, it's late. I'm not really sure what the hell I'm rambling about. I think I'm just feeling bitter. But don't worry, it's not you people. Really, I'm happy new people are getting into the Marathon series. It's just that I tend to feel a bit... territorial about it. I mean, Marathon's old guard has had the whole series pretty much to our Mac-loving selves for the better part ten years. And now, after having Halo all but ripped from our hands by our worst enemy, only to have the people who barely knew what Bungie was until Halo, suddenly become fascinated by Marathon? I mean, most of the people on this board probably use... Windows. So you can understand why some of us can get a bit testy about the new guys. But I realize that a resurgence in Marathon's popularity can only be a good thing. But for all you pc kids who are just now discovering it: remember the Marathon next time you feel an urge to make fun of Mac gaming. Or better yet, remember the Marathon next time you hear someone else bashing Macs for no other reason that because it takes us an extra month to get the umpteenth SIMs expantion. Remember that quantity does not equate quality, especially in gaming. Remember that newer and prettier is not always better. But whatever you do... Remember the Marathon. (You knew that was coming, right?)[/quote]

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  • Leearn how to dodge, aim, run, use your fists, and use your environment. Marathon ∞

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  • Yeah... I guess there's some good information here. But I tend to be biased against people who come looking for guides just cause they are new to it. I started playing when it first came out. I was eight years old, and I could not have sucked more. but I also didn't have access to the internet, so I had no choice but to learn for myself. And I did. And for that reason, there are only three words of advice I have for anyone out there. At least, anyone out there who was not quite satisfied with the previous several hundred, and finds themself in dire need of, oh say, three more words of advice. Anyway, my only advice for new Marathon players iis this: Never. Stop. Moving. That should keep you alive long enough (Especially for you M1A1 punks, with your newfangled mouses... mice? What is the plural for a computer mouse? Is it mice? It's mice, isn't it? Anyway, I learned to play without a mouse, and I'm a better man for it! Damn kids...) to learn all the other cool tricks... which you just learned by reading the well-written-if-somewhat-disagreeable-to-my-curmodgeonly-nature guide.. Hell, it's late. I'm not really sure what the hell I'm rambling about. I think I'm just feeling bitter. But don't worry, it's not you people. Really, I'm happy new people are getting into the Marathon series. It's just that I tend to feel a bit... territorial about it. I mean, Marathon's old guard has had the whole series pretty much to our Mac-loving selves for the better part ten years. And now, after having Halo all but ripped from our hands by our worst enemy, only to have the people who barely knew what Bungie was until Halo, suddenly become fascinated by Marathon? I mean, most of the people on this board probably use... Windows. So you can understand why some of us can get a bit testy about the new guys. But I realize that a resurgence in Marathon's popularity can only be a good thing. But for all you pc kids who are just now discovering it: remember the Marathon next time you feel an urge to make fun of Mac gaming. Or better yet, remember the Marathon next time you hear someone else bashing Macs for no other reason that because it takes us an extra month to get the umpteenth SIMs expantion. Remember that quantity does not equate quality, especially in gaming. Remember that newer and prettier is not always better. But whatever you do... Remember the Marathon. (You knew that was coming, right?)

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  • thx again guys ill go i wish i wasnt broke lol

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lt Devon [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jackalsRugly also, the marathon fans seem to be a whole lot cooler than the halo fans (for the most part anyway) hey where would i get the other marathon games? P.S. where could i buy myth, ive heard thats a great game as well[/quote] Yay, thanks pfhor the compliment! P.S. You can find Myth in a bargain bin somwhere or Ebay. [/quote] Yeah; you should be able to find the Myth Total Codex (Myth 1 and 2, the strategy guides, and a bunch of additional maps, including the Chimera campaign for Myth 2) for around $20 and Myth2 by itself for around $5 at Marathon 2 should also be available there as well, but I think it will be harder to track down Marathon 1 and Infinity, esp. now that there are no more Mac Action Sacks available

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jackalsRugly also, the marathon fans seem to be a whole lot cooler than the halo fans (for the most part anyway) hey where would i get the other marathon games? P.S. where could i buy myth, ive heard thats a great game as well[/quote] Yay, thanks pfhor the compliment! P.S. You can find Myth in a bargain bin somwhere or Ebay.

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  • thx for the that is an awsome game...cant believe i just started playing also, the marathon fans seem to be a whole lot cooler than the halo fans (for the most part anyway) hey where would i get the other marathon games? P.S. where could i buy myth, ive heard thats a great game as well

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jackalsRugly im sorry, this is probably kind of dumb, but the red is your health and the blue is your sheilds right? if so all enemy attacks just take down my health not my shields...and ive tried pressing everything on the wall i could find...what do these things look like? and so do u only get new health at the beginning of each new level?[/quote] Ah, no. The red is your heath/shield and the blue is your oxygen, which is used on some levels. The heath/shield recharge things look sort of like switches, but have red blocks on the screen (at least they do in the first Marathon). Also, if you find a recharge station that has a number on it (such as 2x), it refills your heath/shield and gives you an extra layer of protection.

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  • im sorry, this is probably kind of dumb, but the red is your health and the blue is your sheilds right? if so all enemy attacks just take down my health not my shields...and ive tried pressing everything on the wall i could find...what do these things look like? and so do u only get new health at the beginning of each new level?

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  • Theres machines on the wall that bump your shields back up

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  • Are there any medical packs on marathon?

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  • Guys all you need to get good at MARATHON is to play the multiplayer alot, and to kill all aliens with fists. You pick up some mad skill very fast, i know because thats what i've been doing since the game came out. And after awhile i came out on top during every MP game i played with my friends. And i saved a crap load of ammo for the larger aliens.

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  • you mean it's not JUST me?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Deathbringer5 There sure has been alot of Marathon stuff lately.[/quote] Millions of hungry Bungie fans that knew nothing (or little) of Bungie's old-school goodness, patiently (or not so patiently) waiting on the release of Halo's sequel... That (to me) was an audience primed, ready, able and (in many cases) willing to be introduced to Halo's older brother. What better way to stay focused, stay active, & become better versed in Bungie-dom than to play Marathon? And there we were, the old-school fans, quietly playing AlephOne, Halo, Halo PC and waiting. Just like a primed bouncing betty. We sat, we waited, we watched.... eventually someone asked "what's a good game to play until Halo 2 comes out?" and we responded (just like that bouncing betty). We jumped up out of our hole, up to waist level, exploded, showering the unsuspecting with a major ass-kicking game. We like to call that game Marathon. PS. For those who weren't aware, a "bouncing betty" is a general type/classification of landmine. It's a 2 stage device. When triggered, an initial charge blows a canister up to waist level, where the canister (typically filled with ball bearings or other metal fragments) then explodes, showering nearby people with hot flying metal into their most personal of regions. Nice eh? They've been used since (I believe) even the 1st World War. Soldiers would refuse to cross fields if it was believed that they were peppered with bouncing betties. In most cases, the mines wouldn't kill you, oh no. They would just maim you and leave you with nothing really to look foward to (fun wise or if you ever wanted kids) for the rest of your life. Maim you and leave you with nothing to look forward to but pain and misery..... yep, that describes most good Marathon players.

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  • Not just a game, but an adventure: Marathon!

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  • There sure has been alot of Marathon stuff lately.

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  • It's about time somebody put this together. "I pledge to punch all switches, to never shoot where I could use grenades, to admit the existance of no level except Total Carnage, to never use Caps Lock as my 'run' key, and to never, ever, leave a single BOB alive."

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  • Caps Running was against the code of vidmastery because it makes it more challenging! you HAVE to hold it down all the time, and it can be a pain in the ass... just like teh rules forcing you to use grenades whenever able, punch as much as possible, don't hid behind corners, etc. It creates a player who utilizes everything to its full potential! for instance... you're in a map where you know you need grenades to push a switch, but in adherig to the vid-rules you must use them BEFORE bullets... what do you do? you become a master of punching ;-) I admit, I have left running as caps, but I'm only just getting back into the game and don't get much time on it anymore cos school has started again. but I spend as much time as I can muster honing my skills... killing hulks with fists is scary... and takes forever :P

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  • Very Nice Guide...should be a sticky....

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  • I am very curious as to the origin of the no "caps-lock" running. I can certainly buy the argument that it gives better [i]control[/i], but I don't see how that becomes grounds for Jason Jones declaring it against Vidmastery. What context am i missing? Was there something special - and cheap- about old school mac keyboards that I don't remember? Is it an inside joke? It can't be pure nitpicking, can it? (as a self-proclaimed spazeroid, i admit my run is tied to caps-lock under the cloak of arthritis).

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  • Nice guide! AS for running - I always run. I've never found a place that needs me to walk in marathon, and the only time I toggle it on/off is for swimming. So for me it makes sense to use the caps lock, or I would be holding it down *all the time*. A good game does not force a user to do repetitive and tedious tasks, like holding down a key for 7 hours :) [Edited on 7/13/2004 6:49:12 PM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pfhorrest Ok, so in one sentance you're calling people spazeroids and in the other you're telling people to use capslock as their run key... ahem. Pot. Kettle. Black. [/quote] Yeah, I know. Wile I try to adhere to the vidmaster rules as much as possible during my marathon play, my idea was to try and give the new folks pointers, and I’ve always heard that it’s easer for newbs to use capslock, so that’s why I put it in there. [quote] Maybe I should write a book, "Zen and the Art of Vidmaster"... [/quote] I’d buy it :-) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pfhorrest Also, some other errors: Grenade hopping can be done forwards as well as backwards, and will get you more air, but at the cost of you running over the explosion and taking damage for it. You also do not *need* to grenade hop anywhere in the game except to get to secret areas, so it's not that important a skill to learn. If it was that important that you could jump, there would be a jump key. You can also grenade CLIMB in Marathon 1, though that's not relevant except in the actual Mac version, not M1A1. Grenades, as well as rockets and fire, will make aliens not leave their weapons or ammo. Any exposive or fire, basically. This includes Bobs in M2/Infinity, if they get torched by aliens or you and you want their stuff. For propping doors open, the timing doesn't have to be right BEFORE it finishes opening. Most doors will pause while open before closing again; if you deactivate the door (presuming it is switch-driven) at any point in it's cycle, including sitting there paused, it will stay where you leave it. Otherwise, nice little tutorial.[/quote] Thanks for the commentary Forrest. Added it to the guide.

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  • Also, some other errors: Grenade hopping can be done forwards as well as backwards, and will get you more air, but at the cost of you running over the explosion and taking damage for it. You also do not *need* to grenade hop anywhere in the game except to get to secret areas, so it's not that important a skill to learn. If it was that important that you could jump, there would be a jump key. You can also grenade CLIMB in Marathon 1, though that's not relevant except in the actual Mac version, not M1A1. Grenades, as well as rockets and fire, will make aliens not leave their weapons or ammo. Any exposive or fire, basically. This includes Bobs in M2/Infinity, if they get torched by aliens or you and you want their stuff. For propping doors open, the timing doesn't have to be right BEFORE it finishes opening. Most doors will pause while open before closing again; if you deactivate the door (presuming it is switch-driven) at any point in it's cycle, including sitting there paused, it will stay where you leave it. Otherwise, nice little tutorial.

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