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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von marshmellop: 7/10/2015 3:04:36 PM

KITTENS. Just kittens.

CLOSED Because people are getting worked up over old issues :)

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  • No, it's fine. It'll be back to normal next week.

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  • Trust me you don't even want to do this weeks nightfall and weekly

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    • I don't like the lockout but I wouldn't want to have a separate nightfall unless we DLC user have a option to pick new or old nightfall. as for not being able to buy the DLC I don't understand $20 you could of saved up for it what was it like 2-3 months. im mean really at the end of my day I always have change in my pocket its like 35 cents a day for 2 months will get you the DLC. if you really wanted it you would of saved for it.

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    • I dont think people understand that this isnt "your not allowed to play nightfall" is you cant play a strike. The nightfall is a list of ALL strikes on xbox, one would assume they would add strikes to the playlist after new strikes are added to the game? I thought this would be obvious? Apparently I was the minority

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    • It is contemptible that anyone had to pay to unlock more content in the game.

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      • I appreciate your concern and well thought out message and edits. I feel that this one week is entirely fair to only have one weekly and nightfall. Much like a concert, if you make it about Skillet, skillet better be the main act. And I'm not saying openers aren't important, but the fact is that this week dark below is the primary concern. Next week I hope and believe it will be another strike, and will only feature this strike once every 6 weeks (more for psn players). Until then, I feel the compensation received is a number of improvements that are felt by all players. (If its fair is another topic). I myself am biased, however, as I did purchase the dlc, and therefore am capable of doing all strikes.

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      • I support and understand your POV.

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      • I read none of that because it's really simple. It's just for release week to thank the people who bought the DLC. Tons of companies do this. Don't get ur knickers in a twist.

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        9 Antworten
        • I stand with you and even though I have purchased the DLC, I will not be playing any of the "locked out" modes that my fellow non-DLC playing gamers do not have access to. If we are to truly be a community, we must understand and empathize with those that can not game with us. Just because someone did not pay for the DLC it does not mean the base game experience should be altered in anyway. They have paid their money and they expect a product. It is bad enough that the game is plagued with issues, and we have put up with them. But the fact that those did not pay for the DLC are getting a "lesser" game because those with the DLC have in a sense robbed him of their ability to enjoy the game is absolutely unfair. The base game experience for those that did not pay for the DLC should not have compromised in anyway. It is a shame Bungie there is even a discussion about this because if you try explaining this to a 5 year old, they will keep asking you the same simple question: why can't I play what I already paid? Like the cliche goes: if you had to ask, you already know the answer.

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        • Hits me hard that a community of supposedly likeminded people are working against each other. Maybe we could have changed something if we would have put differences aside, but sadly all of Buggies marketing is still plastered across the Internet, and this scandal is almost like a badge of notoriety. "Look at how we treat our fanbase, look at how ruthless we can be. Look at how our contracts are watertight. Look at how useless we've made the forums. Look at how we never cared about each and every fan and did exactly what they feared" It's indefensible, and if you're perpetuating this, shame on you.

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          • No one said you can't keep playing the game. Get in there. Play away. If your point is more of the "I have to buy the DLC to KEEP UP with my friends...." well, that's another story all together. But to the point at hand... The Nightfall strike is a "Special Strike", just like the Heroic. Not doing these strikes on a given week doesn't prevent you from getting ANYTHING that you could have gotten from it. You can still do the raid. You can still go chest hunting. You can still do bounties. You can still spam Tiger Strikes until your thumbs fall off. All of these methods (some better than others) will allow you to get some exotic/legendary loot. None of this has changed. If you think that not being able to do a strike is "unfair" or "broken", I've got nothing for you but a chuck on the chin and a "Better luck next time, son" because you're doing it wrong. Destiny was released with the ambition of having a 10 year story arc. 10 FRICKING YEARS! This is NOT your annual COD re-hash, or an expanded version of a prior version of some other game. Destiny is a whole new animal. It was DESIGNED to have DLC, and if you didn't realize that by the time you reached level 20, then I'm sorry for you. I truly am. BUT! If you bought the base version, and expected to tag along for 10 years on that base version, that's YOUR fault. In fact, you should return your gaming system NOW because you might be better off doing something else with your free time. If you bought the base version, and expected to taste it for a few sessions then move onto something else, but have somehow become addicted to doing dailies, weeklies, and adjust your sleep schedule to accommodate Xur, well, then you can blame Bungie for that, but nothing else. They created a game that people love to complain about, but those same people are putting HOURS into this thing. It's just a product like any other. It's also a game unlike anything else out there. Love it, hate it, who cares? But don't complain because of the DLC. If you were that daft... gah!

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            18 Antworten
            • Dude. You're locked out whenever dlc is on the weekly Just accept your 1/6 lockout, or move on. Don't quite get people and all the sad post complaints with thousand word essays. If you're that upset just quit.

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              5 Antworten
              • I usually find myself defending this game it seems. However on this subject I'm totally with you. I have the dlc so I was able to do my weeklies and nightfalls today, but if I didn't I would be a bit upset. It's frackin stupid that people without the dlc can't even do weeklies. Lame Bungie.

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              • I see the issue people have with this. looking at tgpumpkins post. but really, did no-one else think...the new dlc all the strikes and nightfalls are probably going to be the new ones because they want to show them off and get people playing the newest freshest content. I'm just surprised more daily missions arent DLC based. sorry to those that miss out. but you cant really be that big a fan can you, lets be honest. you probably have all the gear you can get anyway.

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                1 Antworten
                • And yet if you bought the DLC and it wasn't part of this weeks nightfall and weekly, this thread would be about how upset you are for not getting your moneys worth. [spoiler]There's no winning with this community.[/spoiler]

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                  • Bearbeitet von Commando Santos: 12/10/2014 12:01:06 AM
                    The nightfall and weekly heroic aren't accessable to you..... because they are both the Dark Bellow strikes (you can't play it if you don't have it, which was the same rule applied in Halo 3's matchmaking when it was for the map packs). After the week has passed, a new strike is in and you can play it for all your heart's desire. That is your problem. And before you use a response like "then why not have Dust Palace in Rotation for the Xbox too then?", remember the Xbox community doesn't have that strike available yet. Hence why it's not in rotation. Edit: So you know that it is the DLC and it's subject to change in the week to follow, but still complain. Look... the design for the map rotations were always like this and in the eve on the DLC people have to expect a heavy emphasis on the first week. I get it, you want to do the strikes for the coins or whatever but... I'll be honest I just don't know what to tell you. I mean I could sit here and try to explain things but I don't know if I would be able to illustrate my point correctly. All I can say is: This was always a chance.

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                    4 Antworten
                    • I get your point OP, and I understand 100% why you're angry. Anyone on the "Other side" of this argument must be pretty dumb.

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                    • You are missing out on a nightfall every 6 or so weeks. Not a massive deal. Or you buck up. I am really enjoying the new content and am happy I got it.

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                      5 Antworten
                      • So... You all bitch and moan about 35 bucks for an expansion pass but youll pay willingly 190 bucks in dlc for Cod games plus 60 for the game, and 435 bucks for the next gen console to enjoy it "thoroughly". But when it comes to a 35 dollar pass to keep the flow of the game going.. You bitch moan and complain... You all legitimately make me sick beyond limits.

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                        2 Antworten
                        • How bout instead of crying just wait a week and everything will be back to normal for the most part, missing out on 9-15 strange coins and the slim chance of an exotic drop for a week? STOP THE PRESSES, oh wait, no one in the real world cares

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                          • Bump. I have the dlc but those that don't should still be able to do the nightfall!! Not fair otherwise!!

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                          • Locking people out, even for a few days or weeks a year from features (daily/weekly/nightfall) that used to be accessible with the base game is terrible business practice... It's like saying you know that gun you used to have, well you can't use it today, sorry. I don't suggest people without the DLC should be able to play a DLC strike, but it should be substituted for a strike they do have.

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                          • There is one new strike (on xbox), two on playstation. It's understandable the first week will have the new strike as the weekly. But I expect things to go back in rotation, so that means that, one week out of 6, you won't be able to do the weeklies. Yes, it's obviously a tease to get you to buy the DLC. Just like the exclusive playstation gear and strikes are a ploy to get you to switch from xbox to playstation. Just like the superior graphics are a way to get you to buy an playstation4 instead of your playstation3. So what ? unless you have shelled out for everything, you won't get every content. You won't get access to everything all the time. Eris also means more contents, we have extra bounties you probably do not see at all. Most (>95%) of the game is still accessible. There are still lots of way to have fun. Of course they want you to buy the DLC. You can't afford it, fair enough. But you can still play basic destiny. It's a fairly minor inconvenience. Much less dire than the server issues, for instance.

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                          • The only downside to the multiple playlist option is that it would make forming a stable rotation of the strikes a bit weird. Plus I just don't see bungie doing it, TBH. Being barred from doing the weekly activities is the sacrifice we make for not being able to/choosing not to buy the DLC. The weekly heroic and nightfalls have always been on a rotation and it makes sense that that will continue. And I don't believe it is fair to say they have taken content away. True, the heroic a day nightfall are unavailable this week, but that is because they are tied to the DLC. And I get how that can suck. Now if next week is Sepkis Prime, and non-DLC owners are still blocked, then there is a problem.

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                          • This is wrong I agree but people need to realise this was done with Halo games as well I remember having the base game of Halo 3 years ago and there was loads of playlists I could go on. Fast forward 2 years or so later after all the DLC was out (that I didn't have) only to find out I could no longer use those playlists without DLC So apparently this isn't a new practice for Bungie. And it's only going to get worse

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                            1 Antworten
                            • Do you need or want 15$, I can help you out.. while I do not agree with locked content but I do agree that if your playing it and talking about it then you must be enjoying it so 15-150$ on something you have a pass time doing is a deal.

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