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Bearbeitet von Shiva: 9/24/2014 4:25:23 PM

Disappointment - perspective of an older gamer...

tl;dnr: This game is disappointing. Positives: Totally based on grinding that looks pretty and sounds incredible and has great music. If grinding is your thing then its your game for sure. If you like PvP based on one objective mode and 3 death match variants on well designed maps, its a great game. Negatives: If you like to accomplish something, feel like you have meaning, enjoy varied game mechanics, enjoy a good story, want to explore, want to interact with the developer and feel like the community matters, enjoy unpredictable public events, don't like to grind constantly, want to make friends and socialize and even just hangout in the Tower for some down time - THEN THIS IS NOT A GAME FOR YOU and should look elsewhere. Its simply not here and there is no indication that it ever will be. 5/10. Graphics, gun play, sound and music is what you get. The rest is lackluster at best. PS - Can't wait to buy 343's Master Chief Collection - when I have that I will be able to look at the original Bungie material with nostalgia - and be further disappointed with Destiny. Rant begins below - your mileage may vary: Its simple. This game is built for grind. Endless, repetitive grinding. You can't finish Destiny because it never ends - its a hamster wheel chore driven mind numbingly repetitive grind. Some are completely happy to do that. Me? I have been playing games since I was 10, in 1976. I played MUDs when they were first out. Original EQ, DAOC, WoW vanilla during closed and open beta and for 5 years after that - I know grind and know it well. I am just tired of it. Very tired of it. I am disappointed Bungie. It seems that you excel at single player games with multi-player components as evidenced by Halo. Or maybe its the combination of Microsoft and Bungie that made it work? Not sure, but the new honeymoon with Sony doesn't look like its working out so well. When I first heard about Destiny I was actually pretty excited. The initial game demos actually deflated it a bit, but I thought it was just me and an early product. Unfortunately it actually hasn't changed much since those early E3 stage demos. The story is about the length and quality of a sketch on cocktail napkin. No offense to fine quality cocktail napkin sketches; yours just isn't of any quality - its dive bar kind of cocktail napkin quality. Your complete lack of social tools in this game is so disappointing. The number of times you said "revolutionary social experience never before seen on console" you would think you would have universal matchmaking and better grouping tools not to mention default fire team voice chat. But do you? Nope, its not there. So no way to communicate and make friends. So play solo? You can. Its not much fun and the scale of difficulty is horrendous in that some challenges are simply not surmountable without a fire team. So okay, I will hop into the ONLY matchmaking outside of Crucible available - strikes. Well that doesn't go so well as you can't talk to the people in your fire team unless they are on your friends list. No way to say "Hey, I'm sorry I just died in a horrible spot - DO NOT TRY TO REVIVE ME!" I still say this to my screen and curse and want to throw my controller because I had 2 seconds until I self revive, the boss is ALMOST DEAD AFTER 20+ MINUTES of mindlessly shooting him and the last guardian standing is - no longer standing. Great. Fire team mutely starts going to orbit, not willing to do it again, despite being close. Your graphics are amazing. Your sound and music are superb. I love to ride the sparrow. My ship looks cool on the loading screen... but I can't fly it. Bummer. The gun play is the Bungie hallmark gun play - some of the best in the business. Your content is.... A MASSIVE REPETITITION OF MEANINGLESS DRIVEL WITH NO REASON TO CONTINUE OTHER THAN LOOT THAT TAKES FOREVER TO BUY AND WILL NEVER DROP. Without engaging content it doesn't matter what else is there. Without communication I don't even have the drive to find and make new friends to play with and lessen the horrible grind. I have a clan and will play with them, but with my very limited gaming time (We own several businesses, I have boys that are teens, like to go outside, have a life with a gorgeous, smart, sexy wife and game all at the same time so gaming gets the shaft except when I can get in a couple of hours) I want to play something that is satisfying. Your unrewarding repetitive grind is not satisfying. Its like bad Chinese food - you choke it down, feel sort of full when you leave but 15 minutes later you are starving and think "damn I'm hungry but I am NOT going back there..." If you want to know what I had expected, due to your marketing and all of your interviews and presentations - I was hoping for something that was 10% of what The Secret World delivered. TSW is one of the finest pay to play MMO RPG games ever made. Its on PC only, but its a far superior product overall. Or even look at Defiance, that is on console. While that is riddled with horrible voice acting, the writing is tolerable and the story is fun and engaging and they rolled out episodic content and its gone free to play. There was a well concealed grind in that game and they always pushed the player forward and gave a sense of accomplishment. I can't believe I am saying this but for all of its faults, even Defiance is a better game. Unfortunately you have fallen to the Zenimax/Bethesda level for me. The Elder Scrolls Online, as bug ridden and disappointing as it was, was a better game than Destiny as far as content goes, but it also showed that Bethesda, like Bungie, excels at single player games but is TOTALLY clueless when it comes to online multi-player. Oh and TSO has a projected LONG life too so that's not an excuse.They launched with a great deal more content and had less cash to develop with. When they straighten out their console issues and launch it on those it will be interesting to see what happens. Its not a good game IMHO for a variety of reasons and there is a grind there but its not nearly as blatant and in your face because the content is varied and there is VARIETY in the game. I will play when I feel like it and I already bought your next two expansions in the Digital Guardian edition (stupid choice for me - oh well). I am sure I will check those out since I bought them and my youngest son loves it (he doesn't have thousands of hours of grinding like I do so he doesn't know better) and my eldest has given up because "we have a lot of better games to play Dad. I'm going to use the 360 if that's okay..." Lastly your COMPLETE AND UTTER LACK OF COMMUNICATION IS SO WRONG. It just floors me. Never have I ever seen a company so disinterested, mute and deaf. There is NO ONE interacting with the community. Online only MMO games REQUIRE communication at all levels. Whoever is your Chief Operations Officer needs to be fired. Your "Community Manager" is nowhere to be seen in the community - NOT ANYWHERE TO BE SEEN EXCEPT F'N REDDITT OCCASIONALLY. Perhaps its because I typically don't play console only online games, just stick to single player on console and am used to the PC world where they actually give a damn about their community. You have my money. Spend it wisely. The only way you will get any more is if my youngest son continues to have an interest in your game and asks for it. Otherwise I will pay for and play something else.

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  • Bearbeitet von Accipiter: 9/25/2014 5:10:21 PM
    I agree with everything you've said, especially the part about Matchmaking... Here is my link about that, and it includes what you've stated. [url][/url] Last night I think I hit my limit with this game. There isn't anything else I can do unless I've got a team together, and now it's just gotten pretty drool. The story is completely horrible, it's like someone is telling a bedtime story to a 5 year old. "I could tell you of the Darkness..." "I could tell you of the Traveler..." Please...give me a break. On top of that, what wasted voice talent. Peter Dinklage = Ghost Nathan Fillion = Cayde-6 Peter Stormare = Arach Jalaal Lance Reddick = Commander Zavala Nika Futterman = Eva Lavante Claudia Black = Tess Everis and it sounds like Bill Nighy as The Speaker. Boy...they paid a lot of money for very small and unimportant roles.

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